Dependence of efficacy of drugs and the composition of the mealtime

The food has diverse effects on human activity, substrate is necessary to maintain homeostasis and depending on its composition may have a therapeutic or Preventive action, promote healing, but it may be the direct cause or a contributing factor of some negative phenomena. Features nutrition and food composition can influence the efficacy and safety of medicines used by man, especially orally.

Contained in food components can interact with drugs or affect their absorption into blood, and Metabolism, changing the pharmacological effect of determining or the occurrence of complications of pharmacotherapy. On the other hand, long-term use of drugs, such as chronic diseases in the elderly, can modify appetite, violate the processes of digestion and, thus, lead to nutritional disorders. Processes of interaction between the components of medicines and food most actively proceed while their admission, giving rise to various negative reactions, reduction or complete absence of the therapeutic effect.

Currently, recommendations for medication based on meal times substantially revised, and practitioners, prescribe medication to the patient, and pharmacist, releases the medicine from the pharmacy, You need to know the possible changes, which may be exposed under the influence of drugs and food components digestive processes in the body. Optimal medication and food is an important point of pharmacotherapy. Properly, in many diseases, especially chronic, it is not so much about eating a sick person, but about clinical nutrition or subject specific diet. The diet should be treated or contribute to the treatment of the patient.

The right combination of nutritional therapy when prescribing with adjusted time of their admission not only increases the effectiveness of drugs, but also to reduce their dosage, to avoid unwanted side effects. And vice versa, poor nutrition contribute to the severity of the disease, negative impact on the entire course of treatment, It can become a trigger of the disease individual systems, cause relapses. So, eg, excess sodium chloride in food contributes to high blood pressure, an excess of animal fats - the development of atherosclerosis, digestive diseases. Especially important to consider the quality and quantity of food and the time of her admission. Drugs in the gastrointestinal tract may be completely or partially inactivated. For Example, All drugs polypeptide structure (kortykotropyn, insulin, oxytocin, pituitrine, somatotropin) destroyed by enzymes (pepsin, trypsin), that does not allow to use them orally.

Taking into account the individual nature of the disease is selected composition of Clinical Nutrition, and in some cases, such as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, It uses a special processing technology products, included in the diet. Eating fruits and vegetables, You can adjust the function of the intestine, to replenish the deficit close- and trace, necessary for normal functioning of the body, fitoncidov, essential oils and aromatic substances, affecting the immune status, regulate the secretion of digestive glands, lactation.

Potassium deficiency in the various origins of hypokalemia can be replenished reception apricots, raisins, beet, baked potatoes, apples, Pumpkin.

Using foods high in iron (strawberry, apricots, apples, beet, Garnet) in combination with ascorbic acid, can significantly increase the effectiveness of antianemic drugs.

When the complex treatment of pregnant women with diseases of the cardiovascular system in the diet include fruit and vegetables (carrot, lemon, peaches, oranges, melons, potatoes), contributing to a decrease in metabolic acidosis and the normalization of water-salt metabolism.

In the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the kidney and urinary tract Recommend watermelons.

The use of low-calorie vegetables, eg cabbage, carrots, turnips, cucumbers, tomato and others., reduced calorie diet, to accelerate bowel movement, It prevents the absorption of cholesterol and enhances its excretion from the body.

As a result of interaction between the food components with drugs often forms complexes, are poorly absorbed or substantially no release of the drug substance. For Example, calcium ions, contained in milk and dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir), form complexes, interact with tetracyclines; proteins of dairy products - with caffeine and its preparations; tannins (tea, coffee) and phytin (nuts, wheat), and dairy products - with iron supplementation; tannins - with alkaloids; acetic, citric acid and other, formed during digestion,- With calcium; food proteins - with sulfonamides, cardiac glycosides, anticoagulants.

Foods high in fat, proteins or carbohydrates in the gut reduces the absorption of oxacillin, Ampicillin, izoniazida.

At the same time, Food weight, if necessary, can protect the intestinal mucosa from irritating drugs in their long-term use, avoiding various gastrointestinal diseases. Even these few examples convinced of the importance of the use of physician and pharmacist information on the optimal combination of medication and clinical nutrition. This question is the subject of many studies. However, in medical practice, he is not fully studied and require further in-depth study and specific solutions.

The analysis of data on drug interactions and food shows, that the following main areas of:

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