Zamaniha, ehinopanaks high – Echinopanax wave Nakai

Shrub 1-1.5 m long creeping rhizome, families aralievыh (Araliaceae). Distributed devil's in the forests of the Far East and in the Ussuri region. For medical purposes, harvest the rhizome with roots.

Заманиха, эхинопанакс высокий - Echinopanax elatum Nakai

The chemical composition of the devil

The roots and rhizomes of the plant contain essential oils, triterpene glycosides, a small amount of alkaloids, phenolic compounds and minerals.

The pharmacological properties of the devil

Experimentally studied mainly tincture, prepared from the roots of the plants on 40 % alcohol in the ratio 1:5 in some pharmacological tests have been studied as components of tincture devil (essential oils and glucosides).

In the study of neurotrophic effects tincture devil on various kinds of laboratory animals has been found obschevozbuzhdayuschee effect of the drug, manifesting itself in increasing behavioral, motor activity and reflex excitability. Zamaniha also provided a significant awakening effect on the background of hypnotic doses of barbiturates.

A comparative study of the awakening action infusions devil, ginseng and Rhaponticum carthamoides in equal doses observed, that the tincture devil reduces sleep duration animals in the preliminary application barbital sodium 35 %, tincture of ginseng - on 25 % and tincture levzei - on 41 %. In the experiment with the introduction of tincture devil under the skin at a dose of 600 mg / kg in increased diuresis 2 times in comparison with its level in the control animals.

In addition to the infusion devil, It was also studied of its component parts - glycosides and essential oil. Established, glycosides that the devil also provided obschevozbuzhdayuschee action, continuing more 2 no. Essential Oil devil caused a dramatic excitement in mice as a subcutaneous, and inhalation application. Conducted pharmacological studies suggest, that stimulating tonic effect tincture devil caused the whole complex of plant substances.

Application devil in medicine

Tincture devil used as a stimulant in various forms of asthenia, in depressive states and hypotension. Clinical study of tincture devil was conducted on patients with post-infection and post-traumatic asthenia, reactive states astenodepressivnyh, as well as neurasthenic syndrome essential hypertension, with sluggish flowing schizophrenia, with astenoipohondricheskih syndrome, sexual neurasthenia, and diabetes.

Tincture devil administered 30-40 drops to receive 2-3 times a day for 3-4 weeks courses. Use of the drug was effective, especially in patients, suffering asthenic conditions. They decreased headache, pain in the heart and unpleasant subjective sensations in various parts of the body, fatigue disappeared, irritability, improves sleep, there was a feeling of cheerfulness, restores.

Besides, tincture treatment devil helped to improve the tone of the nervous system, restoration of nerve processes. However, in some cases, there is the phenomenon of irritable weakness, in connection with which some patients with tincture devil appointed bromine. Efficacy of treatment with significantly increased.

Clinical observation has been found, what Tincture devil has a tonic effect on the cerebral cortex, It contributes to the restoration of disturbed correlations sosudodviga to the center to the periphery. Patients with the condition astenodepressivnyh tincture devil noticeably smoothed depressive component.

Treatment of patients with infusion devil sluggishly flowing schizophrenia with severe astenodepressivnyh syndrome contributed astenoipohondricheskih withdrawal syndrome: they appeared Activity, there was better contact with others. Patients less to focus on their experiences, and they significantly reduced the phenomenon mutism. Patients with traumatic encephalopathy tonic effect tincture devil manifested in eliminating .utomlyaemosti in reducing irritability.

The best results were observed in patients with postinfectious asthenia. In these patients improve overall health and recovery occurs much faster, side effects have been reported.

According to the clinical study of tincture devil is easy to CNS stimulants. The optimal dose is 40-50 drops to a reception 2 times a day for 6-8 weeks.

Investigation of the effectiveness of tincture devil in diabetes found, that the complex treatment of patients with insulin infusion and devil was most effective in cases, when clinical symptoms were observed adinamii. In these patients, with the improvement being observed the normalization of the basic physiological and biochemical indices.

In the treatment of patients with early-stage diabetes tincture devil administered 30-40 drops inside 2 once a day. Where, when glycosuria did not exceed 5-10 % sugar value of food, patients observed reduction of glycosuria disappeared and the need to use insulin. They feel better, It increases the overall tone, decreased fatigue. In more severe cases of diabetes tincture devil significant effect on the course of the disease is not provided.

Formulations devil, Dosing and Administration

Tincture devil (Tincture Echinopanacis). Tincture devil (1: 5 on 70 % alcohol) - Transparent liquid light brown; prescribed as a tonic for 30-40 drops 2-3 times a day before meals for 25-30 days.

Available in bottles. Store in a cool,, dry, protected from light.

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