Stuttering is the treatment of disease. Symptoms and prevention of stuttering

Stuttering is one of speech defects, in which the person stutters when speaking. A patient who speaks several times the same syllable, what, certainly, creates certain difficulties in communication. With waves the severity of stuttering, usually, enhanced.

Stuttering is the cause of

The exact cause of stuttering development from a particular patient is not always manages to find out. Make the following causes of the breach:

  • Violation of speech development. For Example, a child might formed it too fast or unclear pronunciation of words.
  • Excessive activity of the speech centres of the brain.
  • Hereditary predisposition to stuttering.
  • Complication of certain diseases, eg, raxita, whooping cough and other.
  • Stressful situations. Stuttering may occur after sudden fright or other strong emotional turmoil.

Stuttering Symptoms

For tonic stuttering is characterized by frequent stumbling when talking with the formation of breaks or excessive stretching some syllables per word.

When klonicheskom a stammering and stuttering during conversation makes multiple repetition of individual syllables, words and sounds.

For mixed stuttering is characterized by a combination of symptoms as tonic, and klonicheskogo stuttering.

Depending on the development of stuttering can be neurotic and nevrozopodobnym. When nevroticheskom a stammering notes expressed violation of pronunciation, eg, gibber. Persons with this form of stuttering, usually, start talking later their peers. When nevrozopodobnom stuttering stuttering elements appear only under certain inducing factor, eg, with waves.

Stuttering — Diagnostics

In the first stage of the analysis of the complaints of the patient and the medical history of the disease and the patient's life. In particular, a physician interested in questions, concerning the psycho-emotional situation in the family; are there conflicts between parents or conflicts between parents and child; manifestations of stuttering arise whenever conversations or do some trigger factors; under what circumstances stuttering becomes more pronounced; How long ago and under what circumstances are having problems with speech; whether preceded stuttering fright or some other emotional distress.

The child also must be examined by a psychologist for signs of anxiety and other problems.

Speech therapist determines the type of violations, as well as the role of inciting factors of this deviation.

Stuttering is a kind of disease

Stuttering happens tonic, kloniceski and mixed. Depending on the development of stuttering and stammering neurosis the neurotic secrete.

Stuttering — patient

When the first symptoms of stuttering child should show the doctor.

Stuttering Is Treated

Stuttering treatment includes the following therapeutic interventions:

  • speech therapy classes;
  • regular special respiratory gymnastics;
  • psychotherapeutic correction (solution to interpersonal conflict and calm attitude to speech violate the child);
  • compliance with proper sleep and nutrition. Sleep should not less than 7-9 hours per day. Food- 3-4 single;
  • If necessary, the reception of sedatives;
  • moderate exercise;
  • consulting a psychotherapist or psychologist.


Stuttering can persist for a long time (even for life). As a result of this breach of developing psychological problems, as well as the problems of adaptation of the individual in society.

Stuttering Is Prevention

Specific methods of prevention of stuttering does not exist. Reduce the likelihood of development of speech can be, If you start from an early age to participate actively in the development of the child's speech. When you see those or other violations you must seek assistance from professionals.

To prevent stuttering in children it is important to maintain calm in the family psycho-emotional environment.

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