Vzdutoplodnik fluffy – Phlojodicarpus Villosa, Turk.
Perennial herb 50-60 cm high, families zontichnыh (Umbelliferae). It grows in Siberia and the Urals. For medical purposes, harvest the roots of plants, which serve as raw material for production product (floverin).
The chemical composition of vzdutoplodnika shaggy
The hairy roots vzdutoplodnika contains piranokumariny Visnadine digidrosamidin and other compounds coumarin.
Pharmacological properties vzdutoplodnika shaggy
The pharmacological activity of the plants depends on the content in its roots and Visnadine digidrosamidina. Floverin is contained in the amount of plant piranokumarinov. The drug dilates the peripheral vessels, experiment eliminates vasospasms ear rabbits, caused by adrenaline, noradrenaline and pituitrinom. As a result, the outflow of liquid from vessels not only restored to the initial level, but also significantly increases.
The method set rezistografii, that lowers floverin 20-30 % perfusion pressure in the blood vessels of the hind limbs of animals. With plethysmography noted, the drug also relieves spasms of blood vessels of the hind limbs, induced by intravenous administration pituitrina.
Floverin increases coronary blood flow, slightly lowers blood pressure, increases the amplitude of heart contractions.
The drug has a positive effect on bioelektriches Kie processes in heart, causing a slight slowing of heart rate by increasing the duration of diastolic and systolic shortening periods, markedly increases the voltage of the teeth and T.
In experiment floverin significantly reduces the tone of smooth muscle and isolated small intestine reduces its amplitude of spontaneous contractions. The drug has also expressed antispasmodic effect at spasms of smooth muscles of the intestine, induced by barium chloride and adetilholinom. Floverin is antispasmodic mnotropnogo and neurotropic. The mechanism of its action has a certain value peripheral m-choline- and adrepolitichesky effects. Influenced floverina changes in the vascular wall electrolyte metabolism, in particular, reduced sodium content.
Floverin low toxicity with a single and long-term administration.
Application vzdutoplodnika furry medicine
Therapeutic efficacy was studied at floverina peripheral vascular disease, accompanied by spasms. As a vasodilator drug is used in non-specific lower limbs vasoconstriction and mild forms of obliterating endarteritis. To monitor the effect of floverina blood circulation in the limbs using an oscilloscope, reovasography, angioscope, electrothermometry etc..
By the 3-5-th day of the drug patients reported a decrease in pain at rest and while walking, the disappearance of a sense of chilliness in the lower extremities. Positive results from the course of treatment were observed in all patients. For some patients, had normal levels of blood pressure before treatment, It noted its decline in patients receiving floverina. The drug was also studied in patients with chronic ischemic heart disease and hypertension stage I and II. The efficacy of treatment was controlled by the data of the clinical picture of the disease, measuring blood pressure, pulse, study of ECG and other methods. The drug was administered at a dose of 0.2-0.3 g / day for 15-30 days. In 50 % coronary heart disease patients get good and satisfactory result: stopped attacks of pain and ECG normalized or pain attacks became less frequent and reduce the signs of myocardial ischemia on ECG. In hypertensive stage I and II therapeutic effect was observed in only a small number of patients (decrease in headache, dizziness, a decrease to 2-3-th day of treatment blood pressure).
In case of overdose may momentarily dizzy floverina, going after its cancellation. The drug is contraindicated in hypotension, flatulence and a tendency to atonic constipation.
Formulations, Dosage and administration of drugs vzdutoplodnika shaggy
Floverin (Floverinum) appoint inside after eating 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment 3-4 weeks. If necessary, after 1-2 months of treatment can be repeated.