Effect of drugs on the effector cell systems and organs

When drugs interact with bioreceptors equal to one cell type, often observed independent antagonism, which is used (positive) or take into account (unwelcome) clinical practice. For Example, spasm of bronchial smooth muscle, called histamine, It can be overcome by the combined use of salbutamol, which activates β2-adrenoreceptory.

An example of antagonism, which is used in medical practice, It can serve as the appointment of antipsychotic drugs combined with Cyclodolum (trigeksifenidilom), which reduces the chance of developing one of the adverse effects of neuroleptics - medicinal parkinsonism.

Antibiotics, acts bacteriostatic (chloramphenicol, lincomycin, rifampicin, tetracikliny, Erythromycin), may reduce the effectiveness of antibiotics, has a bactericidal effect (penicillins, cephalosporins), components which inhibit the synthesis of the wall of microorganisms in the growth phase. Antykoahulyantы indirect action tormozyat, and some oral contraceptives activate the synthesis of coagulation factors, which may cause reduction of the effect of anticoagulants and enhance the likelihood of thrombosis.

Examples of unwanted synergies in the combined use of drugs can serve as a risk of arrhythmogenic action epinephrine, administered simultaneously with cyclopropane and some other anesthetic agents. The introduction into the abdominal cavity, aminoglycoside antibiotics after the surgery using muscle relaxants peripherally acting can cause respiratory arrest, since the antibiotics of this type have the ability to enhance the effect of substances curariform.

Many oral substances can have adverse effects on a specific organ or organ system. To avoid complications, such substances should not be used at the same time, and if necessary, it is advisable to use their combined close observation of patients and control bodies, to which they may have undesirable effects.

Hepatotoxicity have: halothane, griseofulvin, Isoniazid, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, methotrexate, merkaptopurin, oxacillin, rifampicin, tetracikliny, phenacetin, fenotiazinы, furosemid, khloralgidrat, chloramphenicol.

Nephrotoxicity can have antibiotics, aminoglycosides, griseofulvin, sulfonamides, Some tetracyclines, phenacetin, phenylbutazone, furosemid, cephalosporins.

Hematopoietic function of bone marrow can seriously disrupt phenylbutazone, phenothiazines, cytostatics, chloramphenicol.

Ototoxic effect on the organs or organ systems is possible using aminoglycoside antibiotics,, furosemida, ethacrynic acid.

Ultserogennogo providing steroids, Indomethacin, acetylsalicylic acid, reserpine, phenylbutazone.

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