Types of stress

Modern medicine distinguishes three main types of stress:

  • Acute stress – fast response to external stimuli;
  • Deferred stress – a delayed reaction to the stressor;
  • Constant stress – insensibly At first glance the overall reaction to the prolonged exposure to stressors.

Acute stress is different bystroprehodyaschim character and the absence of serious health consequences. Delayed and chronic stress are much more destructive, so how long it does not occur discharge, and the time in these cases works against human.

However, this classification is incomplete. It only takes into account negative stimuli. Meanwhile, the factor, geeky stress, serve any phenomenon, to relieve a person from equilibrium State. T. Selye talked: "The mechanism of stress can be turned on and blow the whip, and passionate kiss. That is why in the modern formulation of the notion of “stress” is defined as "non-specific reaction of the body to any impact, the pressures on him".

The term "stress" – the generic term for two subspecies: distress – «bad» and jeustress – "good stress".

It will be appreciated, that such a division into "good" and "bad" stress based on the nature of the factors, causing nonspecific reaction, and not on the effects of stress on the body. After trigger a heart attack, eg, can and unexpected grief, and unexpected joy, if they are excessive. Truth, Positive factors are much less likely to harm the body and often do not cause non-specific reaction, ie. stress. On a good man, usually, responds more adequately, than the poor. But then the trouble is not always harmful to health. Some have consequences, and some may even benefit the body, because "it, that does not kill us, It makes us stronger ".

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