Cornflower blue – Cornflower L.
Herbaceous biennial or annual plant height of 50-60 cm, families slozhnotsvetnыh (Combined). It grows everywhere, It is a weed grass. For medical purposes, harvest flowers plant.
Chemical composition Basil
Cornflower contain glucosides chicory, citaurin, colorants (cyanine), coloring flowers in blue, pelargonina chloride and other compounds.
Farmakolohycheskye properties Basil
Flowers cornflower herbal medicines have diuretic properties. These properties are due to the flowers of the plants contained in anitsianami, which are readily soluble in water. Ethanol galenic forms of action have not experimentally. Besides, cornflower flowers have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and minor choleretic properties.
Application cornflower in medicine
Infusions and decoctions from the flowers of cornflower used in the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases of the kidney and urinary tract. The drugs are effective in edema, associated with kidney disease and cardiovascular. Flowers are a part of the plant prescribed diuretics charges in urolithiasis, pielitah, clean, uretritah, nephrosis and other diseases.
Anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties of flowers and plants are used with conjunctivitis, ʙlefaritax, when fatigue of the visual apparatus. Clinical data suggest the possibility of using flowers of cornflower for liver and biliary tract, associated with impaired biliary excretion. Bitterness, present in the plant, improve digestive function. Therefore knapweed belongs to various fees, used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Formulations of drugs cornflower, Dosing and Administration
Infusion of flowers cornflower blue: 1 tablespoon of raw material is placed in an enamel bowl, Pour 200 ml (1 glass) hot boiled water, capped and heated in boiling water (in a water bath) 15 m. Cooled at room temperature for 45 m, filter, the remaining raw materials squeeze. The volume of the resulting infusion was adjusted with boiled water to 200 ml. The prepared infusion stored in a cool place no more than 2 d.
The interior in the form of heat 1 tablespoon 3 once a day as a light diuretic, choleretic and antimicrobial agent.