Uretrit – state and urinalysis

When the amount of urine urethritis, its relative density and the reaction is not changed. Protein content in urine is absent or slight.

Microscopic examination of sediment show enlarged mucus and leukocytes.

In acute urethritis leukocytes in urine is greater than, than in chronic. They are located either separately, or accumulations of mucus in epithelial cells, along with the urethra, t. it is. in the form of urethral yarns, that can be detected in the urine with the naked eye. Since they are usually suspended and do not fall into the centrifuge tube with the sediment collecting, the urine of men should be studied macroscopically (vial) and retrieve a spatula or pipette floating thread. Depending on the number of leukocytes urethral mucous threads may be or mucopurulent.

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