Tsimitsifuga daurskaя – Cimicifuga dahurica Maxim

Perennial herb up to 120 150 cm, families lyutikovыh (Buttercup). It grows in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories. For medical purposes, harvest the roots and rhizomes of plants.

Цимицифуга даурская - Cimicifuga dahurica Maxim

Chemical part of black cohosh dahurica

The roots and rhizomes contain glycosides, saponins, salicylic acid and organic izoferulovuyu phytosterol, and resinous binders (tannin), alkaloidы (cimicifugin) and other compounds.

The pharmacological properties of black cohosh dahurica

Tincture of roots and rhizomes of black cohosh dahurica hypotensive effect, accompanied in animal improvement in cardiac function, smooth muscle relaxation and increased diuresis. Besides, tincture of plant has a sedative property, manifested in reducing behavioral orientation reactions, motor activity and reflex excitability of animals, as well as normalization of pain sensitivity and an increase in sleep duration.

Use of black cohosh dahurica medicine

In a comparative clinical study of black cohosh tinctures and infusions dahurica eucommia bark with reserpine found, that the therapeutic efficacy of tincture tsimitsnfugn with hypertension although inferior reserpine, However, in the initial stages of the disease it is expressed quite clearly and quite comparable to small doses of an alkaloid of Rauwolfia. Therefore black cohosh tincture dahurica (1:5 on 70% alcohol) It was used as a hypotensive and sedative in hypertension stage I and II of 50 drops to receive 2-3 times a day, for 30-40 days. Negative side effects in clinical and outpatient use of black cohosh tincture is not observed.

Currently, due to the active development of new synthetic drugs, decreases from, tincture of black cohosh dahurica gradually lost its significance as a hypotensive drug and is excluded from the range of medicines.

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