Drying and storage of medicinal plants
The collected materials after primary treatment must be quickly dried. In case of untimely drying, leaving the raw material for the night due to continuing cell activity and the activity of enzymes break down active ingredients, in plants (glikozidy, alkaloydы as others.), multiply the microorganisms and fungi, which leads to decay and growth of molds of raw materials. The main task of drying - the removal of moisture from the raw material, whereby the life processes are terminated and the action of enzymes. The faster the drying is performed, the higher the quality of the raw materials.
The nature of the drying depends on the type of raw material, contained active ingredients. Raw materials, essential oils comprising (thyme, thyme, soul), dried slowly, at temperatures above 30-35 ° C, since at higher temperatures the oil evaporate. Conversely, in the presence of glycosides in feed (pheasant's eye, lily of the valley, and others.) it should be dried at 50-60 ° C, in which rapidly stops the activity of enzymes, destroying glycosides. Raw materials, containing ascorbic acid (dog-rose fruit, primrose leaves), dried at a temperature of 80-90 ° C to avoid oxidation of its.
Depending on the weather saponin dried using natural or artificial heat. In good weather, it dried in the open air, in the sun, under the eaves, in well ventilated areas, in bad weather - in dryers, furnaces, ovens. Quickly dry the plants in the attic under a tin roof, especially if there are operable windows for ventilation. For the drying of medicinal raw materials unsuitable lofts livestock farms, where raw materials can get strange smell, as well as rooms, where stored products and materials with odor, jadoximikatы, fertilizers, etc.. d.
Nadzemnыe parts (leaves, flowers, stems) and underground parts of plants, containing essential oils and glucosides, dried, protecting them from sunlight. Rhizomes with roots, and fruits and seeds can be dried in the sun. When drying raw materials must be periodically stir. Well dried feed contains 8-15 % hygroscopic moisture, which is not recognized as a raw material. Drying is considered complete when, when the roots, rhizomes and bark when bent, do not bend, and break with a bang; leaves and flowers triturated, juicy fruit, clenched in his hand, They do not stick together in clumps and do not smear.
The collected raw materials may be stored in paper and cloth bags, boxes, boxes, Banks. Where, when the therapeutic effect of the plant is associated with essential oils or other volatile substances, raw materials must be stored in glass jars with ground glass stopper or metal with a tight-fitting lid. When packed in packages, banks, boxes and other containers inside put a label with the name of the type of raw material and time of collection.
Store raw materials in dry, dark, cleanroom. Typically, the shelf life of flowers, grass and leaves do not exceed 1-2 years, roots, rhizomes, bark -2-3 years.