Cudweed Bolotnaya, сушеница топяная - Filaginella uliginosa Opiz (Gnaphalium uliginosum L.)

Asteraceae family (Combined) - Compositae

Cudweed Bolotnaya – description of the plant

Odnoletnee of plant 5 to 20 height cm. Stem prostrate, branching from the base, grayish fibrous. Leaves regular, linear-oblong, obtuse, with short fibers. Flower baskets small, egg-shaped; wrapper baskets brownish, It consists of several filmy leaves. Groups of 3-10 baskets form a rounded inflorescences, surrounded by a radiant-divergent upper leaf sprigs. The flowers are brownish-yellow. Fruit - semyanka, gray-greenish, oblong with fluffy crest - with pappus 10 fibers, that fall one by one. It blooms from July to October.

Spread. It grows in damp grassy places, along rivers and vacant lots, like weeds on crops and in gardens. It is found everywhere in Europe.

Raw materials. Collected during the flowering and dried aerial part and roots.

Сушеница болотная, сушеница топяная – Filaginella uliginosa Opiz (Gnaphalium uliginosum L.)

The content of active substances in Cudweed

The above-ground parts of plants with shallow roots contain flavonoids, karotinoidы (12-55 Mg%), sesquiterpene lactones, tannins (4%), essential oil (0,05%), resin (16%), thiamine, phytosterols, vitamin C, alkaloid substance gnafalin, bitterness.

The main effect of drug Cudweed

Hypertonic disease, peptic ulcer; externally - to treat wounds.

Experimental and clinical data action Cudweed

These extracts from Cudweed experiments show gipotensivnoe action, expanding peripheral vessels, slow heart rate, increases peristalsis. It also has antimicrobial action, and. Oil extracts from raw materials in the experiments had the action, enhancing the healing process in tissues. This action is particularly pronounced for burns and ulcers. Clinically herbal drugs Cudweed proved effective in the initial phases of hypertensive disease, and ulcers in the stomach and duodenum. The majority of patients with gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer treatment with this drug leads to the cessation of pain, improves overall health, patients gain weight, become more calm; radiologically establish disappearance niche.

Cudweed in the form of oily extracts causes good results in the treatment of burns, Fistula, long festering nonhealing leg ulcers, etc..

Curative effect Cudweed given mainly due to the rich content in it provitamin A - carotene, and also due to its antimicrobial action and properties of blood vessels to expand and thus increase the blood irrigation of the place, which is a tool used.

Dosing Cudweed

  • Inside Cudweed used in the form of hot infusion: 15 Mr. Cudweed (about 3 tablespoons) pour a glass of boiling water; drink a tablespoon of half an hour before a meal, 3-4 Times daily.
  • Externally used specially prepared an alcohol-oil extract Cudweed.

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