
When ATH:


Sterile white or almost white lyophilized powder.

Pharmacological action.
STH, anabolic, stimulating growth.


Violation the growth process in children with deficiency of endogenous growth hormone, chronic renal failure in children, accompanied by growth retardation, Shereshevscky syndrome - Turner, osteoporosis, Immunodeficiency syndromes, accompanied by weight loss.


Hypersensitivity, malignant neoplasms, epiphyseal closure, pregnancy, lactation.

Side effects.

Headache, intracranial hypertension, accompanied by strong and frequent headaches, toshnotoy, vomiting, visually impaired, inhibition of thyroid function with the development of symptoms of hypothyroidism, giperglikemiâ, leukemia, epiphysiolysis femoral head, edematous syndrome; Local reaction - a change of adipose tissue volume, pain and itching at the injection site.


Glucocorticoids inhibit the stimulatory effect of growth hormone on the growth.


Symptoms of long-term overdose: gigantism and acromegaly, signs of hypersecretion of growth hormone; disposable - Hypo- or hyperglycemia.

Dosing and Administration.

Preferably n / a and / m. The drug should be administered slowly.

At deficiency of growth hormone in the body n / k of 0.07-0.1 IU / kg body weight (or 2-3 IU / m2 body surface) 6-7 weekly or / 0,14-0,2 m IU / kg (or 4-6 m / m2) 3 times a week; Shereshevscky syndrome - Turner: n / k in 0,14 IU / kg (or 4,3 IU / m2) 6-7 Times per week; chronic renal failure in children, accompanied by growth retardation, - n / a 0,14 IU / kg body weight (or 4,3 IU / m2) 7 once a week.


Caution must be exercised in the appointment of patients with diabetes mellitus or patients, having a family history of the disease (may increase insulin requirements). It is necessary to control the level of glucose in blood and urine.

In patients with growth hormone deficiency as a result of brain tumors should be more frequent examinations to avoid recurrence and progression of tumor growth.

During the period of treatment may develop hypothyroidism and reduced efficacy (needs periodic monitoring of the functional state of the thyroid gland and adequate replacement therapy with thyroid medications).

Epiphysiolysis heads tubular bones are more common in patients with endocrine disorders, including growth hormone deficiency. Detection of lameness during therapy with growth hormone in children requires careful monitoring.

In the event of severe or recurring headaches, visual impairment, nausea, vomiting recommended fundus examination (fundoscopy) to identify papilledema, the presence of which suggests the possibility of intracranial hypertension. In this case, possibly, you need to stop treatment with growth hormone. If reappointment required careful monitoring of symptoms of intracranial hypertension. It is necessary to change the place of subcutaneous injections in connection with the possibility of the development of lipoatrophy. The best results are observed in the appointment of treatment as soon as possible at an earlier age. Treatment continued until puberty and before the closure of areas of bone growth. Perhaps the discontinuation of treatment in achieving the desired growth.


Some formulations contain toxic for newborns benzyl alcohol as a preservative.

If dissolution does not shake!

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