Salsola Richter – Salsola Richter Kar.

Woody perennial plant height of 3-4 m, families marevыh (Chenopodiaceae). Grows in Central Asia, in desert. For therapeutic purposes, harvest fruits. In the native form of the plant in the medical practice not used.

Солянка Рихтера - Salsola Richteri Kar.

The chemical composition of halophytes Richter

The fruits of the plant contain alkaloids and other chemical compounds. From the chemical structure of alkaloids are best studied in salsolina and salsolidina, which determine the biological significance of fruit plants.

The pharmacological properties of halophytes Richter

Close on the chemical structure and salsolin salsolidin possess hypotensive properties. The mechanism of antihypertensive effect of the drug should allocate their depressing effect on the vasomotor center of the medulla oblongata, and the inhibitory effect of alkaloids on the reflex mechanisms of the cerebral cortex and subcortical function of individual brain structures.

Application of halophytes Richter medicine

Salsolin and salsolidin used in hypertension stage I and II. The therapeutic efficacy of halophytes Richter short duration, their hypotensive effect is more stable when combined with the appointment of such drugs, how phenobarbital, diuretin, papaverine, and other sedatives, antispasmodic. Currently salsolin salsolidin and excluded from the range of drugs.

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