Sodium tetradecyl

When ATH:


White waxy mass. Available in a pyrogen-free clear, colorless solution in phosphate buffer (or with addition of sodium hydroxide).

Pharmacological action.


Варикозное расширение вен нижних конечностей — консервативная терапия начальных и неосложненных форм умеренно выраженного варикоза мелких поверхностных вен (valve function with sufficient) varicose veins or disseminated type unoperative cases in older people when others. risk factors, if you can not remove all the varicose areas, in combination with surgery or after sclerotherapy for "disconnected" varicose tributaries of the saphenous veins; esophageal varices, cysts of the sebaceous glands and mucous membranes, lipomas, lumpy skin angiomas in children.


Hypersensitivity, Acute superficial thrombophlebitis, extensive and pronounced varicose veins (incl. deep) with valvular insufficiency, varices due to tumors (abdominal, pelvic), migrating phlebitis, occlusive disease, arterio- and fleboskleroz, acute thrombosis and deep venous obstruction (shin, hips); heart disease events decompensation, febrile and allergic conditions; acute cellulitis, diabetes, toxic hyperthyroidism, bronchial asthma, oncological diseases, acute infections, tuberculosis, sepsis, disorders of blood cell composition, acute respiratory or skin diseases, common diseases, requiring bed rest, pregnancy, lactation.

Side effects.

Local reactions: pain, redness, rashes and ulceration at the injection site; burning sensation and pain in the sclerosed parts and venous trunks, residual segment of vein pigmentation skleroziruemogo, escharosis, the development of soft tissue necrosis (when administered paravenoznom), intravarikoznye hematoma, ascending phlebitis thrombophlebitis. Systemic reactions: headache, nausea, vomiting, thrombosis of the pulmonary veins (possible death), systemic infections (due to necrosis of the skin at the injection site), allergic reactions (hives, bronchospasm, fever, anaphylactic shock); complications, due to contact with the drug in the artery: resulting in obliteration of the vessel (possible amputation), embolism (even after 4 months after the procedure).


Do not combine with oral, especially antiovulyatornymi, contraception. Pharmaceutical incompatible with heparin.

Dosing and Administration.

Only I /. In a standing position choose the most pronounced distally located varicose node and injected a needle into it (without syringe) perpendicular to the skin surface. After the appearance of the first needle drop of blood is placed on the patient's back, raising the leg at an angle of 30-40 °. After the introduction of the puncture site bandage close, leg (remaining in the raised position) bandage elastic bandage from the toes to the upper thigh. Сразу после процедуры больной встает и энергично ходит не менее 3–4 ч (for the prevention of possible deep venous endothelial damage with subsequent thrombosis). In the case of phase-injection therapy begins with lateral branches veins, and introduced into the main trunk least. Перед началом склеротерапии проверяют реакцию венозного эндотелия пробным введением 1 ml 1% solution.

For the treatment of varicose veins or moderate soft light falls nodes used 1% solution, when large units with a thickened or tight walls in case of inefficiency 1% раствора — 3% solution; one session is administered in 2-6 points (расстояния между точками уколов — не менее 6–12 см) по 0,5–2 мл в каждую (preferably 1 ml).

With extensive varicose veins procedure is repeated 2-10 times at intervals of 3-5 days with increasing amounts of the injection site and increase the total dose of 1 session. Максимальное количество — 6–30 мл (preferably 10 ml) 1% раствора и 4–10 мл (no more 10 ml) 3% solution.

При комбинированном лечении в сочетании с хирургической операцией — вводят в варикозные притоки (after removal of the surface of the main trunks).


Should be avoided extravasal (paravenoznogo) and / and administration. Treatment is carried out only with absolute certainty and communicative terrain deep veins of the lower extremities. With extreme caution and only when absolutely necessary prescribed for associated diseases of blood vessels, especially sclerosis and obliterating endarteritis. To prevent a recurrence after treatment patients are advised to wear elastic stockings.


The preparation is not used in the case of precipitation or discoloration of the solution, what is necessary to visually check.

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