Reducing the risk of infection with viral upper respiratory tract infections – colds and flu

Measures, to be taken to prevent colds and flu infection include the following::

Frequent hand washing

Effective methods for the prevention of respiratory infections include:

  • Washing hands under running water (15-20 seconds) soap;
  • Avoiding contact with the hand spray by sneezing and coughing, in which germs are;
  • Use alcohol-based gels, if you wash your hands is not possible.

Wearing masks

If there is a need for close contact with the sick person, you need to wear a mask or respirator disposable. Wearing masks and hand-washing can help reduce the risk of influenza infection.

You can not share things

Patients with influenza and colds can not give their personal belongings and drink.

It is necessary to keep your hands away from the face

You can not bite your nails or rub hands eyes, mouth or nose.

It is necessary to avoid the crowds during the flu season

Although it is not a very practical proposition for many people, However, if there is exposure to cold or flu, or there is a risk of developing complications from these infections, you should try to avoid crowded places or people, who are sick during the flu season.

The vaccine against influenza

Each year, the World Health Organization (WHO) trying to determine, some strains of the influenza virus will be most dangerous in the upcoming influenza season. To combat these strains are developed vaccines. Influenza vaccination is recommended to place the majority of people aged 6 months and older.

There is also a vaccine against bird flu, but it is used only in some cases.

The vaccine against seasonal flu

In the application of the vaccine against seasonal flu is observed fewer hospitalizations and deaths from influenza or pneumonia, especially in the elderly. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend, that persons under the age of 6 months and older were vaccinated annually against influenza.

There are two types of vaccines for seasonal influenza:

  • The flu shot – used for people aged 6 months and older. It is produced from inactivated, killed virus, and administered via injection, usually, in the arm;
  • Nazalynыy spray – This type of influenza vaccine for healthy people aged 2-49 years, who are not pregnant. It is made from live, attenuated influenza viruses.

Possible side effects – Soft “flu” reaction, including fever, pain and fatigue. To 5% people experience these symptoms after vaccination against seasonal influenza.

Flu vaccines are available in the hospital, Local public health agencies.


Most people do not need to take an antiviral. But sometimes your doctor may prescribe these medications, to reduce the risk of influenza, if a person:

  • Susceptible to flu;
  • With the high risk of complications.

If a family has someone, who is at risk of developing complications (eg, elderly people, children, cancer patients), this man, perhaps, will have to take antiviral medicines to prevent getting the flu from a sick family member. It must be remembered, that these drugs do not replace vaccination. Vaccination is still the best way to prevent the flu.

Alternative therapies

There are a number of alternative therapies, have been studied as potential ways to prevent colds and flu. Some, which may increase the body's resistance to colds and flu include:

  • Preparations zinc – taking daily medications, containing zinc can reduce the risk of disease;
  • Andrografis (also known as “Indian echinacea”) – this plant may increase resistance to colds;
  • Vitamin C – receive an additional dose of this vitamin can also help to stay healthy.

Although Echinacea is often referred “wrestler with a cold”, Additional studies indicate not very strong preventative action of this plant.

It is necessary to consult a doctor, before taking any herbal medicines or supplements. They can interact with other drugs taken, or worsen existing diseases.

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