Crigler-Najjar syndrome – Diagnosis and Treatment
The disease is hereditary. Due to lack of the enzyme glucuronyl, whereby the broken conjugation processes (linking) bilirubin protein. The disease is manifested immediately after birth: due to the high levels of indirect bilirubin quickly appears and progresses to jaundice symptoms of central nervous system - jerking, oculomotor disturbances.
Diagnosis of Crigler-Najjar syndrome
The diagnosis is confirmed by the presence of typical clinical symptoms, a sharp increase in blood indicators of free unconjugated bilirubin. During the histological examination determined slight signs of fatty degeneration of cells Pe-; Chaney, fibrosis. The disease is serious and may result * lead to the death of cells in toxic lesions of the central nervous system (brain).
Treatment of Crigler-Najjar syndrome
Phytotherapy, dezintoksikatsionnaya therapy, exchange transfusion.