

What is syphilis?

Syphilis refers to diseases, Sexually Transmitted (STD). If left untreated, it can cause brain damage, nerves, tissue damage and ultimately, death. Fortunately, syphilis can be treated with antibiotics.

Causes Syphilis

The cause of syphilis is a bacterium. Infection occurs through direct contact with syphilis. Modes of transmission of syphilis:

  • Vaginal, anal or oral sexual contact with an infected person;
  • A pregnant woman passes the infection to the fetus (the so-called congenital syphilis).

Risk factors for syphilis

Factors, which can increase the risk of contracting syphilis include:

  • Sex with man, pocky;
  • Having multiple sexual partners;
  • Failure to use a condom during vaginal, anal or oral sex;
  • Close contact with syphilis;
  • The presence of other sexually transmitted diseases.

Symptoms of syphilis

Symptoms depend on the syphilis step. There are four stages of syphilis:

The initial stage of syphilis – within 10-90 days after infection

Initial symptoms of syphilis, usually, occur at the site of exposure – often in the genital area, rectum, language, mouth or lip.

At the site of the lesion appear swollen and painless bumps, which gradually destroyed, forming an ulcer with raised edges. Usually within 3-6 weeks, ulcers heal themselves.

Without treatment, the infection progresses to the second stage, even if the sores have healed.

The secondary stage of syphilis – a few weeks or months after the primary lesion

The second stage of syphilis is characterized by the emergence of non-itchy rash. The rash may appear as rough, red or reddish-brown spots on the palms or soles of the feet. It is also possible rash and other locations on the body. These rashes can look like this:

  • Small spots;
  • Moist warts in the groin area;
  • Slimy white patches in the mouth.

The rash may be accompanied by flu-like symptoms:

  • Sore throat;
  • Swollen lymph nodes throughout the body;
  • Fever;
  • Headache;
  • Fatigue;
  • Myalgia.

Untreated secondary symptoms disappear within a few weeks, but may be repeated in the next few years.

Latent stage of syphilis – It can last for years

Infection is still present in the body, causing no symptoms. In this period can begin to develop the third stage of syphilis. During this stage, a blood test for syphilis will be positive.

Tertiary – The third stage of syphilis

The third stage can begin many years after the initial infection. Now it has become very rare in developed countries. At this stage, the infection affects:

  • Brain and nerves;
  • Eyes;
  • Heart and blood vessels;
  • Liver;
  • Bones and joints.

The lesions may be severe enough to cause death and. Симптомы третьей стадии сифилиса включают в себя:

  • The formation of small lumps, called gumma skin, bones or internal organs;
  • Blindness;
  • Damage to the central nervous system, including weakness, numbness, difficulty walking, difficulties with balance, memory problems and loss of bladder control.

Congenital syphilis

Children, born with this infection may have serious health problems, such as deafness, cataracts and convulsions. Congenital syphilis can also cause miscarriage or stillbirth.

Diagnosis of syphilis

The doctor will ask about your symptoms and medical history, and perform a physical examination. Tests for syphilis may include:

  • Sample Analysis, taken from the affected area;
  • Blood test to detect antibodies to syphilis;
  • Spinnomozgovaya puncture, to detect infection in the fluid around the brain and spinal.

Syphilis testing is part of prenatal care. The procedure is performed for the treatment and prevention of congenital syphilis.

Treatment of syphilis

Syphilis can be cured with antibiotic antibiotikov.Tip and duration of treatment will depend on the duration of infection.

If you have syphilis, should avoid sexual relations until treatment is completed and the destruction of infection. All sex partners should be notified about the disease. They, perhaps, They will also have to undergo treatment for syphilis.

Prevention of syphilis

To reduce the risk of infection with syphilis:

  • Abstain from vaginal, anal and oral sex with casual partners;
  • Maintain a monogamous sexual relationship with an uninfected partner;
  • Use condoms during vaginal, anal and oral sex. This is particularly important, If you are unsure of your partner;
  • Regularly tested for sexually transmitted diseases.

In appearance it is impossible to judge whether, Does sexual partner syphilis. Do not think, that your partner is healthy just because, that you do not see the lesions characteristic of syphilis.

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