Sorrel – Rumex confertus Willd

Perennial herb up to 150 cm, families grechishnыh (Polygonaceae). Distributed throughout Russia, excluding the far North. Medicinal raw are Rhizome and roots.

Щавель конский - Rumex confertus Willd

Sorrel horse – chemical composition

Roots and Rhizomes of Sorrel horse contain tannins, flavonoidы, Vitamin K, ascorbic acid, essential oil, resin, iron, organic acid, antraquinone derivatives, the most important of which are hrizofanova acid and emodin.

Sorrel – Pharmacological properties

Preparations from roots of Sorrel horse in small doses have astringent properties, in high doses have a laxative effect, close on the effect of operating. Experimental studies also found an antihelmintic, styptic and gipotenzivne effect galenic preparations Sorrel. Tannin plants make astringent Sorrel. Laxative effect when taken large doses of drugs is usually through Sorrel 10-12 h. The current number of antrahinonovogo compounds have a stimulating effect on the muscles of the colon and contribute to softening fecal masses.

Isolated from the Sorrel and keratolitičeskimi has hrizarobin keraroplastic properties; is currently studying its effectiveness at treating patients with psoriasis.

Sorrel – medical applications

Infusions, broths, extracts of Sorrel used in colitis, enterocolitis, hemorrhoids, anal fissures, as protivoglistnogo and Haemostatic means, as well as for rinsing with inflammatory diseases of the oropharynx (stomatitis, gingivitis, angina, etc. d.).

There is a pretty extensive clinical experience with infusions of Sorrel horse as sour funds, for the prevention and treatment of Hypo- C and beriberi, as well as to improve the želčeobrazovatel′noj and želčevydelitelyûj functions in gepatoholecistitah, cholecystitis and holangitah. However, a significant therapeutic effect of herbal preparations Sorrel does not give. In this regard, they are usually used in the treatment or as an adjuvant mixed with medicinal plants in the form of fees or medicinal teas.

Drugs contraindicated Sorrel at illnesses of kidneys.

Sorrel – Dosage Forms, Dosing and Administration

Root broth Sorrel horse: 5 g (2 tablespoons) raw material is placed in an enamel bowl, Pour 200 ml (1 glass) hot boiled water, capped and heated in boiling water (in a water bath) 30 m, cooled at room temperature 10 m, filter. The remaining raw materials squeeze. The volume of the resulting broth bring boiled water to 200 ml. The prepared broth is stored in a cool place no more 2 d.

Take 73 Cup 2-3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating, as Binder, attachment, antihelmintic and styptic in colitis, enterocolitis, hemorrhoids, anal fissures; on a half-glass at night — as a laxative.

Roots store in a cool dry place.

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