Sekurinega vetvecvetnaя – Securinega suffruticosa pall.

Sekurinega vetvecvetnaя – Securinega suffruticosa pall.

Shrub 1.5-2 m, families molochaynыh (Euphorbiaceae). It grows in the Far East. From the leaves and green shoots of plant health industry produces drug securinine.

The chemical composition of Securinega

The tops of the leaves and stems contained 0,15-1,4 Securinega % the main alkaloid plants - securinine. Also securinine, found in the plant alkaloids such, how suffrutikodin, suffruktykonyn, allosekurinin, A digidrosekurinin sekurinoly, And C, and tannins, starch, various amino acids.

Pharmacological properties Securinega

In the experimental study, the extract from the leaves of color Securinega branch is lead found, that the drug stimulates the central nervous system, which is manifested in the increase of motor activity of animals, Elevated levels of blood pressure, hurried breathing, increasing the amplitude of heart contractions. At higher doses indicated toxic effects, which is expressed in the clinical povodenii, and then tetanichesknh seizures.

Using pharmacological study of basic plant alkaloids proved a stimulating effect of herbal medicines in the CNS Securinega, due to its content of securinine, who, like strychnine, dramatically increases the excitability of the spinal cord.

Securinine causes motor stimulation in animals, It improves reflexes; with increasing doses of the drug seizures develop klonikotonicheskie. In a comparative study of common action and toxicity securinine and strychnine in experiments on different laboratory animals, securinine shows that nitrate toxicity at doses, 3-10 times larger, Cem strychnine nitrate. In the exciting action securinine weaker strychnine. However, the therapeutic effect in wider securinine, than strychnine.

With the introduction of notes securinine clear awakening effect of the drug on a background of the hypnotic effect of sodium barbital, and if there is an increase electroencephalographic study of the electrical activity of the cerebral cortex. The method of conditioned reflexes established shortening of the latent period and increased severity of reflex activity of animals, confirming securinine stimulating effect on the cerebral cortex.

Securinine exciting action on the CNS and activation of functional activity of other vital organs is supported by the, that at the administering oxygen demand of brain cells is increased by 4,2 %, spinal cord - on 31 %, skeletal muscle - on 46 %, liver - to 71 %, buds - in the 34 %. Securinine lowers the threshold of excitability and increases the amplitude of muscle contractions. Besides, it acts as an inhibitor atsetilholinzsteraznoy system and effective as an anti-radiation means in the experiment.

Influenced securinine animals increases the voltage on the ECG ventricular and atrial teeth complexes, increased blood pressure, increases the amplitude of heart contractions, breathing becomes deeper and more frequent. However securinine no significant effect on peripheral isolated blood vessels and organs with smooth muscles.

Application Securinega medicine

Securinine nitrate used in paresis and flaccid paralysis during convalescence, in schschsle after suffering polio. As a tonic drug it is prescribed for a variety of conditions astenonevroticheskih, accompanied rapid fatigue, weakening of cardiac activity, as well as on the basis of functional impotence breakdowns

In appointing securinine patients showed a significant improvement from the sensitive reflex and motor areas. For Example, in patients with motor disorders of the peripheral nature of the observed increase in the volume of active movements, muscle strength, decreases muscular hypotonia and normal muscle tone. Along with this increase reduced or absent before treatment appear securinine reflexes. Patients siringomiediey marked decrease of trophic disorders and narrowing the field of violation of the sensitivity.

Positive dynamics of clinical manifestations in the treatment securinine occurs 3-4 days after treatment. In the early days improvements are short-lived, but later noted persistent therapeutic effect, do not disappear after canceling injection securinine.

Positive clinical results obtained using securinine for treatment of patients with cerebral pathology (diencephalic syndrome, residual effects of encephalitis and stem dientsefalyyuy localization, hypotension, pronounced asthenic syndrome), which was accompanied by symptoms, like fatigue, generalized weakness, poor appetite, headache, etc.. Patients improved overall health, It appears vigor, decreases headache, increased blood pressure in the presence of severe hypotension prior to treatment.

Thus, securinine effective for neurological diseases, are accompanied by spinal reflex arcs in receptor-efferent, Central, and in part efektornoy. Application securinine shown as a general tonic in asthenic conditions of different origin, arterial shpotolii.

Securinine nitrate ineffective in central paralysis with marked increase in muscle tone, tendon and periosteal reflexes.

Contraindications to the appointment securinine: hypertonic disease, angina, atherosclerosis, bronchial asthma, gepatitы, acute and chronic nephritis, pregnancy, the tendency to convulsive reactions.

Formulations, Dosing and Administration Securinega

Sekurinina nitrate (Nitro securinine) prescribed orally in tablet form or in the form of 0,4 % solution of 10-20 drops tso 2-3 times per day. The course of treatment lasts 20-30 days and more. Higher doses for adults inside: single 0,005 g, daily 0,015 g; under the skin single 0,003 g, daily 0,005 g.

Available in tablets, as 0,4 % solution (orally) the vial and 0,2 % in ampoules.

Storage: in a well-sealed banks orange glass in the dry, protected from light.

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