Active material: Metronidazol
When ATH: D06BX01
CCF: Antiprotozoal drug with antibacterial activity
When CSF: 07.01.02
Manufacturer: JADRAN Galenic Laboratory d.d. (Croatia)


Cream for external application 1% homogeneous, white, without smell.

1 g
metronidazol10 mg

Excipients: glycerol, Liquid paraffin, emulsifying wax, propylene glycol, metilparagidroksiʙenzoat, propilparagidroksibenzoat, Purified water.

25 g – aluminum tuba (1) – packs cardboard.


Pharmacological properties

When applied topically has anti-acne action, the mechanism of which is uncertain, (not associated with the action mite Demodex folliculorum, detected in hair follicles and sebaceous, and any impact on the production of this secret).

Metronidazole for outdoor use, perhaps, It has antioxidant activity. Established, that it significantly reduces the production of active oxygen by neutrophils, hydroxyl radicals and hydrogen peroxide, who are potential oxidants, able to cause tissue damage at the site of inflammation.

Metronidazole is for external use is ineffective against telangiectasia, celebrated at pink acne.

Pharmacokinetics: when topically applied drug is practically not absorbed.



Treatment of inflamed papules, pustules, erythema at the pink and acne vulgaris (acne rosacea, acne vulgaris), balanopostit, vulvovaginitis.



Hypersensitivity. Precautions - Pregnancy (I trimester), lactation.


Dosing and Administration

Treatment of inflamed papules, pustules, erythema at the pink and acne vulgaris (acne rosacea, acne vulgaris): is applied to the pre-cleaned with warm water or detergent lung thin skin layer and rubbed 1-2 once a day, in the morning and in the evening. A course of treatment 1-2 of the month. Between cleaning the skin and applying the cream is recommended to take a break 15-20 minutes. The therapeutic effect begins about 3 of the week. The average duration of treatment – 3-4 of the month.

Balanopostit, vulvovaginitis (for convenience we recommend using an applicator for intravaginal use): squeezing a tube of a small amount of cream, applied to the surface of the lesions balanus, prepuce, the area of ​​the labia minora, vestibule, with a cotton swab or finger, gently rubbing, or use the applicator (intravaginal) Using 1-2 once a day. Duration of treatment - 8-10 days.


Side effects

Side effects after topical use of metronidazole are rare. Allergic reactions (hives, skin rash); hyperemia, peeling and burning of the skin, lacrimation.



After topical metronidazole concentration is very low and the possibility of interaction between the minimum. When concomitant administration intensifies the effect of warfarin and other anticoagulants.



The drug is intended for external use only. Avoid contact with eyes, because it can cause eye irritation and tearing. In the case of getting the cream in their eyes should be rinsed with plenty of water. In case of skin inflammation, the frequency of use of the drug should be reduced or suspended. During the drug should avoid direct sunlight.

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