Rhodiola rosea – Golden Root – Rhodiola rosea L.

Perennial herb, reaching a height of 50-70 cm, families tolstyankovыh (Crassulaceae). It grows in Western and Eastern Siberia and the Far East. Industrial harvesting is carried out Altai. From a medical purpose use tuberous rhizome plants.

The chemical composition of Rhodiola rosea

The roots and rhizomes of the plant contain tannins pirogallovoy group, antraglikozidy, essential oil, organic acid (shtavelevaya, Citric, apple, gallic, Amber), a significant amount of sugar, proteins, fats, waxes, sterols, tertiary alcohols, unsaturated compounds, phenolic substances character, glikozidy, flavonondy and a large amount of manganese.

The pharmacological properties of Rhodiola rosea

Herbal medicines Rhodiola rosea low toxicity. However, this drug when administered intravenously, even in very small doses, reduces blood pressure and lead to animal death from cardiac arrest. Novogalenovyh drug Rhodiola - rodozin - less toxic, than the golden root extract. Even when given subcutaneously in a dose of 50 ml / kg of the drug does not cause death of animals.

A large number of studies devoted to the study of the influence of drugs Rhodiola rosea on the performance of experimental animals and humans. The drug has a pronounced stimulating property, significantly increase the volume of dynamic and static operation. Particularly noticeable increases efficiency by using drugs on the background of fatigue and when performing heavy physical work. In this golden root normalizes metabolism, It contributes to the economic expenditure of energy resources and their rapid resynthesis, improves energy metabolism in the muscles and the brain due to oxidation processes, coupled with phosphorylation, earlier using as substrate not only the oxidation of carbohydrates, and lipids.

Rhodiola preparations have a stimulating effect on the mental capacity of man, some improve memory and attention.

Rhodiola extract and rodozin have soft activating effect on the electrical activity of the brain intact rabbits. Established, that drugs activating effect of Rhodiola rosea on the cerebral cortex realized through reticular formation and the direct action on the functional state of the brain. Preparations plants in small doses have a central H-cholinergic effects, and in large doses have Adreno- E M-Mix- negative properties.

Rhodiola rosea extract did not significantly affect the functional state of the spinal cord, It promotes earlier restoration transneuronal excitation transfer in its oppression of chloral hydrate or sodium barbitalom.

Drugs like Rhodiola rosea group members possess adaptogenic properties of ginseng. Golden root extract prevents the development of hyper rabbits- and hypoglycemia, leukocytosis and leukopenia. In the analysis of the mechanism of the protective effect of drugs Rhodiola rosea found, that the removal of the cerebral hemispheres, hypophysectomy and neutering eliminates this effect.

Preparations golden root reduce the duration of sleep, caused geksenalom, ʙarʙital-natriem, ether, khloralgidratom. Established, that under the influence of herbal medicines plants slightly increased resistance of laboratory animals to the toxic effects of strychnine, xlorofosa, sodium nitrite, anilina. In prophylactic administration to mice rodezina, who was in the hermetic chamber, delayed development and seizures doubles lifespan of test animals. Besides, the introduction rodozina marked increase in resistance to certain infectious animal diseases.

The use of Rhodiola rosea in medicine

Rhodiola rosea extract used in patients with neurosis, hypotension, vegetososudistymya dystonia and schizophrenia in remission of type asthenic. The drug is administered for 5-25 drops 3 times a day for 15-30 minutes before eating. The duration of treatment ranged from 10 days before 4 Months.

During clinical trials it was established, Rhodiola rosea extract that gave good results in these diseases. There was also a stimulating effect when his fatigue in healthy people and patients with asthenic condition after somatic and infectious diseases.

Contraindications: pronounced excitation, hypertensive crisis, fevers.

Formulations, Dosage and administration of Rhodiola rosea

Rhodiola extract liquid (Rhodiola extract fluid) appointed interior 5-10 drops 2-3 times a day - 1/4-1/2 hour before meals. The course of treatment 10-20 days.

In psychiatric practice prescribe, beginning with 10 drops 2-3 times a day, then gradually increase the dose to 30 40 drops to the reception. Duration of treatment 1-2 months.

Available in bottles. Store in a cool,, protected from light.

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