Ciliated - ciliates – Morphology and development cycle of pathogenic protozoa

Among the representatives of this class are pathogenic to humans is the largest of the parasitic protozoa - ʙalantidij (Balantidium coli) - Pathogen balantidiasis.

The vegetative form balantidiums extended, often ovoid, length of 30-200 mm, width 20 110 m.

Балантидий - вегетативная форма

With the help of numerous cilia balantidiums actively moves, often while rotating around its axis. Reproduce by transverse fission (sexless path) and conjugation (sexual route). In the cytoplasm show digestive and excretory vacuoles. The core of live balantidiums sometimes seen without color as a light bean-shaped bubble.

Cysts are formed in the human colon is rarely (They constantly live in the intestines of pigs, for which the non-pathogenic), have a rounded shape, thick double circuit shell, size of 40-70 microns.

Балантидиии - циста

With pig feces cysts released into the environment, where they can get into water and food. Getting in the human body, cysts are transformed into vegetative forms and multiply in the liquid contents of the lower divisions of the small intestine, as well as in cecum. Man (the patient or carrier) It can also sometimes be a source of infection.

Balantidiaz accompanied by ulcerative lesions of the colon. Clinically bacillary dysentery difficult to differentiate with amebiasis and balantidiasis, so you need an in-depth examination of the patient laboratory in a specific pattern: view native preparations stool with isotonic sodium chloride solution for two days. In those days of exploring material, obtained by rectoscopy (feces and .sliz), and make a special crop on the environment.

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