Motherwort five-blade – Leonurus quinquelobatus
Perennial herb 60-120 cm in height, families gubotsvetnыh (Lamiaceae). Other plants - motherwort heart, Siberian, Turkestan - used along with a five-blade. Grows in the European part of Russia, in the Caucasus and in Western Siberia in the wild and is cultivated on large areas. In medicine is used aerial part of plants - grass, which is harvested in June - August.
The chemical composition of motherwort
Grass of Leonurus contains sugar, glikozidy, alkaloidы, essential oil, flavonoidы (Quercetin, rutin, kvinkvelozid et al.), as well as pro-vitamin A, ascorbic acid, tannins and coloring matter, bitterness and mineral salts. The chemical composition of the plant is now continued to explore.
Pharmacological properties pustyrnika
Herb motherwort in the form of infusions, tinctures and extracts on 70 % alcohol has sedative properties. Drugs Leonurus reduce spontaneous locomotor activity in laboratory animals, have a clear impact on the potentiating effects of sleeping drugs and possess antagonistic properties in relation to the action of convulsive analeptikov. According to several authors, motherwort tincture 2-3 times stronger than some depressing the central nervous system, than tincture valerian. In this connection, preparations Leonurus in some cases are effectively valerian. Grass of Leonurus, except sedation, cardiotonic and hypotensive action.
Applications in medicine motherwort
Drugs Leonurus in medical practice first used as a cardiac rhythm and regulating cardiac agent in cardiovascular neurosis, angina and hypertension. It was only at the beginning of the XX century began to be used motherwort as a sedative.
In the study established positive dynamics of clinical parameters in patients, suffering cardiosclerosis, hypertensive disease, stenokardiey, miokarditom, cardioneurosis In exchange treatment drugs motherwort.
Drugs Leonurus used with increased nervous excitability, psychasthenia and neurasthenia, accompanied by insomnia, a sense of tension and hyperreactivity, as well as vascular dystonia and neurosis. Positive results in the appointment of motherwort obtained in patients with functional disorders of the central nervous system and the autonomic nervous system in preklimaktericheskom and menopause.
Infusions and tinctures motherwort provide a therapeutic effect rather slowly, therefore, dose picked individually, taking into account the clinical picture. When symptoms of CNS depression dose reduced or temporarily (5- 7 days) cancel medicine. Then, the drug is prescribed in smaller doses.
Formulations, Dosing and Administration pustyrnika
To motherwort herb infusion 15 g (4 tablespoons) raw material is placed in an enamel bowl, Pour 200 ml (1 glass) hot boiled water, capped and heated in boiling water on a water bath with frequent stirring 15 m, cooled for 45 min at room temperature, filter, the remaining raw materials squeeze. The volume of the resulting infusion topped with boiled water to 200 ml. Take half a cup 2 times a day 1 hour before meals.
Available in packs grass motherwort. Grass stored in dry, cool place. The prepared infusion is stored in a cool place no more 2 are t.
Tincture motherwort cook on 70 % alcohol in the ratio 1:5. Tincture is a transparent liquid greenish-brown with a bitter taste and low odor. Take 30-50 drops 3-4 times 1 day.
Available in bottles. Store in a cool place.