
When ATH:


The local anesthetic from the group of esters for use in ophthalmology.

Proksimetakaina hydrochloride (proparacaine hydrochloride) soluble in water, warm ethyl alcohol, methanol. Insoluble in ether, benzene. Solutions are neutral reaction. pKa=3,2. Molecular weight 330,86.

Pharmacological action.


Local anesthesia in ophthalmology for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, requiring rapid and transient anesthesia: surgery for cataracts, surgery to remove the suture from the cornea or conjunctiva; tonometry, Gonioscopy; removal of foreign body from the cornea; Diagnostic scrapings from the conjunctiva.



Restrictions apply.

Pregnancy, lactation, childhood (safety and effectiveness in children have not identified).

Pregnancy and breast-feeding.

When pregnancy is possible, if the effect of the application of the potential risk to the fetus (adequate and well-controlled studies in humans have not been conducted). Precautions during lactation (no data on the penetration of breast milk).

Side effects.

Itch, burning sensation and conjunctival hyperemia; irritation, pricking, burning, redness of cornea, lacrimation, усиленное моргание — после инстилляции, Sometimes the signs of local irritation or increased blinking may appear a few hours after instillation; allergic reactions, incl. contact (dermatitis, dry and cracked skin on the fingertips), mydriasis, cycloplegic effects, swelling and erosion of the corneal epithelium, conjunctival hemorrhage.

Rarely, сразу после закапывания — тяжелые реакции гипераллергического типа (Acute epithelial keratitis; necrosis of the epithelium, filamentous corneal infiltrates, Irit with descemetitom). При длительном применении — инфекция и/или помутнение роговицы, long-term loss of vision; perforation of the cornea. Sistemnaya intoxication (CNS excitation manifests with subsequent inhibition).


Treatment: Wash the excess drug from the eye with warm water. При появлении признаков системного действия — симптоматическое лечение.

Dosing and Administration.

Locally. Deep anesthesia in cataract extraction: instilled in the eye of 1 drop every 5-10 minutes (5-7 Doses). When removing sutures: 12 drops 2-3 minutes to remove sutures. Removal of foreign body: 1-2 Drops before removal. Tonometry: 1-2 Drops immediately before the measurement.


It is intended only for local use. Long-term use can cause permanent corneal opacity, accompanied by loss of vision. Used with caution in patients with a tendency to allergic reactions, with heart disease, in hyperthyroidism.

It is necessary for the entire period of anesthesia to protect the eye from getting irritating chemicals and foreign bodies. Patients should be warned, that can not be touched and rubbed his eyes, until after the anesthetic effect (due to the lack of sensitivity could be damaged).

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