
Active material: a-фетопротеин
When ATH: L04AX
CCF: Immunosuppressive drugs
ICD-10 codes (testimony): E06, I73.0, I73.1, I73.9, I79.2, K51
When CSF: 14.02
Manufacturer: New Medical Institute Technology Company (Russia)

Pharmaceutical form, composition and packaging

Valium for drug of a solution for I / O, and the / m as a powder or porous mass of white to grayish white color, hygroscopic.

1 amp.
a-фетопротеин75 g

Excipients: dextran (stabilizer protein α-fetoprotein).

Ampoules glass (5) – packs cardboard.
Ampoules glass (10) – packs cardboard.

Valium for drug of a solution for I / O, and the / m as a powder or porous mass of white to grayish white color, hygroscopic.

1 fl.
a-фетопротеин75 g

Excipients: dextran (stabilizer protein α-fetoprotein).

Glass Bottles (5) – packs cardboard.
Glass Bottles (10) – packs cardboard.


Pharmacological action

Preparations of natural origin with a wide range of regulatory activities. Свойства a-фетопротеина (active drug substance) due to its affinity for certain key regulatory molecules in the body (incl. steroid hormones, prostaglandins, Polyunsaturated fatty acids, extracellular matrix proteins). α-fetoprotein has immunosuppressive properties and antiestrogenic. As a transport protein transports bilirubin, fatty acids, Various drugs.

When used in the complex therapy of ulcerative colitis Profetal® It reduces inflammatory and proliferative processes in the intestinal mucosa, can reduce the dose of corticosteroids.

When used in the complex therapy of autoimmune thyroiditis (Hashimoto sorrows) the drug reduces levels of antibodies against thyroglobulin, restores initially decreased level of T-cells (CD3 ), increases levels of CD8 T lymphocytes, increases initially decreased level of IgA and IgM, It increases the production of endogenous thyroxine and triiodothyronine.

When used in the complex therapy of chronic occlusive vascular disease α-fetoprotein improves intravascular and tissue hemoperfusion and stimulate the healing of venous ulcers. Use of the drug in the arthroplasty reduces the number of complications in the postoperative period. The effectiveness of the drug due to the fact, α-fetoprotein, which is an inducer of endogenous prostaglandin E1 and E2, relieves spasms of blood vessels and blocking the development of autoimmune reactions.



The data on the pharmacokinetics Profetal® not provided.



In the combined therapy:

- Nespetsificheskiy yazvennыy colitis;

- Autoimmune thyroiditis (bolezny Hashimoto);

- Chronic occlusive vascular disease (tromʙangiitы, obliterating endarteritis, atherosclerosis, infectious-allergic arteritis).


Dosage regimen

The drug used / m or /. Immediately prior to use the contents of the vial or ampoule is dissolved in 0.9% sodium chloride solution for injection (5 ml – with the / m, 20 ml – with a / in the introduction of the jet, 200 ml – at / in the drip). The solution of the drug should be transparent, colorless. Single drug must not be stored.

In / bolus drug administered at a rate of recommended 5 ml / min, / drip – 60-100 drops / min.

When treating ulcerative colitis the drug is introduced into / m or / (bolus or infusion) at a dose rate of 4 ug / kg body weight 1 times / day for 30 days.

At autoimmunnom Thyroid Profetal® injected i / m or / bolus dose based on 1 to 4 mg / kg 1 times / day for 30 days.

At occlusive vascular diseases the drug is introduced into / m or / (bolus or infusion) at a dose rate of 2 mg / kg 1 times / day for 14-30 days.

Repeated courses of treatment carried out according to the testimony at intervals of not less than 30 days after completion of the previous course.


Side effect

When applying for the indications and at the recommended doses infusion reactions were not observed.



- Pregnancy;

- Lactation (breast-feeding);

- Hypersensitivity to the components of blood.


Pregnancy and lactation

The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.



Complaints on the quality of the preparation and packaging should be sent to the address of the manufacturer.



Data on drug overdose Profetal® not provided.


Drug Interactions

Data on drug interactions drug Profetal® not provided.


Conditions of supply of pharmacies

The drug is released under the prescription.


Conditions and terms

The drug should be stored and transported in dry, protected from light and away from children at a temperature of 2 ° to 8 ° C. Shelf life – 2 year.

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