Application of propolis and wax in folk medicine

Skin lesions, skin diseases


  • Chinese researchers have obtained good results in the treatment of psoriasis propolis. Appointed by 2-3 tablets, containing 0,3 g propolis, 3 once a day. The improvement observed through 2-4 of the week. Recovery depends on the limitations of the disease.
  • Flat cake made of natural propolis impose on the boil, Carbuncle and other purulent-inflammatory foci on the skin, as well as warts, corn, callous to remove them. Scone fix with adhesive tape for several days.
  • For the removal of corns and callus to take a warm bath (10-15 m), wipe your skin, hot piece of propolis impose a thin layer of corn and fix bandage on 5 days. Repeat this procedure 3 times. Soft corn is removed mechanically.
  • Skin disinfectant used 10% alcohol solution of propolis.


  • Mix 18 g white wax and Glycerin, 4 grams of stearin, 50 g castor oil, 1 g of sulfur, 2 drops of rose oil or other aromatic substances. Heat on medium heat, add 100 g honey and stir until smooth. If the skin to rub the balm, it becomes soft and clean.
  • Mix 3 g wax, 6 g fighting with their teeth, 4 g glycerol. Heat over low heat with constant stirring, add 24 , peach or apricot oil. Apply to the skin to improve its power supply.
  • Mix wax, honey, juice of White Lily bulbs – all on 30 g. Heat the mixture in clay pots on low heat until, not until the wax melts. Then, mixing, cool. Store in a covered jar. Apply to the skin morning and evening, excess shoot soft cloth. Apply to improve skin elasticity and facial wrinkle reduction.
  • Mix 50 g propolis, 30 g wax and juice of one lemon. Heat over low heat. Store in the closed form. Ointment daily applying to mozolâm and tie a bandage or pin a sticky plaster. After a few days of corn need to soak in 2% soda hot water and remove with roots.
  • Bandage from 2-4 gauze saturated with 10% propolisnoj ointment and impose on the wound for the treatment of patients with burns 2 the degree of skin on hands or feet. Thanks to the anesthetic effects of propolisnoj ointment, dressings are becoming maloboleznennymi, If this is a strange smell Burns.
  • Put a brush 1 times per day 5% new alcohol solution of propolis with ulcers on the skin.
  • When treating fungal nail lesions good result gives application 50% propolisnoj ointment or pure propolis, dissolved in 96% alcohol up to the consistency of ointment.
  • Pour 1 part of an oak bark 5 parts of water, boil, add 1 no. Spoon 30-40 % alcohol propolis tincture. Apply on skin with moknuschei eczema hands (recipe for Romanian folk medicine).
  • Pour 100 g oak bark 1 L of boiling water, Cook broth, add 10 ml alcohol propolis tincture. Use for foot baths on 20 min for 10 days with excessive sweating of the feet.
  • Propolisnaâ ointment on butter (1,5:10) good for healing cracked hands, relieves skin inflammation, roughness, Rejuvenates the skin of the face and hands.
  • Take 1 Article. spoon 3 times a day before meals propolisnuû ointment on butter (1:10) treatment for Herpes Zoster and pink.



  • In inflammatory processes in the throat, When tonsillitis propolis chew; When chewing swallow only saliva. In order to avoid irritation of mucous membrane after the first 10-15 min chewing makes a break for 1-2 no. Then continue to chew.
  • Take 10-30 ml 10% aqueous solution of propolis 3-5 times a day for half an hour before meals with pneumonia. At the same time giving a thick alcohol extract of propolis on 3-5 drops of water 1-2 times a day before meals. Treatment combined with chest rubbing alcoholic solution of propolis. The course of therapy 21-28 days.
  • For the treatment and prevention of influenza a piece of propolis size 1-2 peas should be kept in the mouth, occasionally shifting language from one side to the other, at night lay cheek. Keep day.
  • The most effective remedy for tonsillitis – ball of propolis, put on night for cheek. Fast helps only high-quality propolis. It must cause mouth pain and slight numbness of the tongue.
  • To treat sore throats slowly chew after eating pieces of propolis the size of fingernail. Zaden′ must consume about 5 g. When you have good propolis angina is 2 day.
  • Crushing 10 g good propolis and mix it with 100 ml of alcohol, insist in the dark at room temperature 1 week. Store in a dark bottle. Gargle with angina, pre mix solution with warm water: 10 ml alcohol mixtures at 100 ml of water. For a small child should take no more than 5 ml spirit tinctures.


  • Inhalation in aluminium or enameled Cup capacity 300-400 ml put 60 g high-quality propolis and 40 g wax, Cup put in wider utensils with boiling water. Propolis and wax in these conditions rastopâtsâ, phytoncides propolis together with water vapor will be vozgonât′sâ. Inhalation out during 2 months to 10-15 m in the morning and in the evening when diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Mix 78 g honey (zakristallizovavšijsâ honey dissolved in water 6ane), from 15 juice, Kalanchoe and 7 ml 10% propolis extract. Emulsion water cavity Zev, mouth, tonsils or back wall of pharynx. A course of treatment 20-25 applications.
  • Bury your nose 10-20% ointment, cooked in vazelinovom oil, by 2-3 drops several times a day with flu. Rubbing propolisnoj butter ointment (1,5:10) the skin of the temporal and frontal lobes relieves headache with flu.
  • In a porcelain mortar grind 20 g crushed propolis 40 g butter, add 40 ml sunflower oil. Mix everything well. Apply in the nose by using a tampon, laying him in the nose for 2 once a day – morning and evening 10-15 m.
  • Pour 1 Article. Spoon the herb St. John's wort 1 cup boiling water, insist 15-20 m, .strain. On a half-glass flask add 20 to. 20%-Noah alcohol propolis tincture. Gargle 2-3 times per day with pharyngitis.
  • Mix 1 part of propolis extract 2 parts of Glycerin or Peach oil. Chronic pharyngitis nasal mucosa, previously released from slime and crusts, lubricate the mixture within 10-15 days 1 once a day. One application spend 2-2,5 mg mix.

Diseases of the digestive system


  • Ingest 10% alcohol solution of propolis on 15-20 drops of water, kipâčenom milk 3 times a day 1-1,5 hour before meals for 18-20 days with ulcers stomach. Through 1-2 week treatment course repeat.
  • Receive 20%-s ' solution of propolis on 8-10 drops water 3 times a day before meals (way, applied in Bulgaria) When ulcers stomach. A course of treatment 2 Months.
  • In Austria, take 5% alcoholic extract of propolis on 5 drops of water 3 times a day before meals with ulcers stomach.
  • In Yugoslavia to treat stomach ulcers used 5% alcoholic solution of propolis on the water. Take 5 drops 3 times a day before meals.

Attention: follow the dosage – large doses can cause a decrease in appetite, reducing the overall tone, slackness, the increase of leukocytes in the blood.

  • Recommend taking 30%-s ' solution of propolis on 30-40 drops to 1 a glass of warm water or raw milk for 1 hour before meals 3 times per day with chronic colitis.

Attention: during the treatment it is recommended to put propolis at illnesses of a stomach diet.


  • Take 10% propolisnoe oil 1 no. Spoon the warmed milk 3 times a day 1-1,5 hour before meals for 2-3 weeks for stomach ulcers. After a week of treatment course repeat.

Contraindication: liver disease.

Chronic cholecystitis


  • Take 30% alcoholic solution of propolis on 40 to. 3 times a day 1 hour before meals. A course of treatment – 30 days.

Pulmonary tuberculosis


  • Take 15% propolisnoe oil 1 Article. spoon 3 times a day with warm milk for 1-2 Months.
  • Half a glass of milk propolisnogo, 10-15 g propolisnogo oil with warm milk for 1 hours before meals or 1,5 hours after meals 3 twice a day for 1-2 Months. Repeat the treatment 2-3 times with intervals 2-3 of the week. With each course number of propolis increased to 5 g, leading up to the maximum – 30 g.

Bronchial asthma


  • Take inside 20-30% alcohol solution of propolis on 20 drops to 1 a glass of warm water 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 2 Months.



  • Take on the 1 Article. 1 tbsp. honey, sunflower oil, 30%-th alcohol solution of propolis and mix. The resulting mass thickly applied on mustard and put to it hurts, gently attaching bandage.

Diseases of the oral cavity


  • When a toothache to keep a piece of propolis size 1-2 a pea at the root of the patient's tooth or desnevom in your Pocket. To propolis became softer, It needs to be warmed up to 60-70 ° C.
  • Apply appliques gauze swabs, wetted by 2-4% alcohol-water solution of propolis, as well as gargle and irrigate the mouth this solution or water propolisnoj.

Inflammation of the middle ear (otitis)


  • Bury 3 times a day 3 drops 4% alcoholic extract of propolis in a sore ear.

Gynecological Diseases


  • Do vaginal and urethral DOUCHING 10% spirtovodočnoj emulsion of propolis for daily 10-15 days with inflammation of the vagina and cervix.
  • With the aim of preventing trichomoniasis (not later 3-4 hours after intercourse) Enter vagina 20-30%-s ' water solution of propolis, vaginal balls with propolis or tampons with 20% spirtovodočnoj emulsion. For treatment to be done 9-10 procedures.


  • Apply the gauze swabs, impregnated with liquid propolisnoj ointment, in the form of applications to the 10-12 h for 10-15 days with inflammation of the female genital organs.
  • Mix 10 g propolis, 1 g Royal Jelly, 50 g of liquid honey, 20 g Vaseline. Put in refrigerator. The hardened mixture on sterile tampon vagina enter the 1-2 h in case of inflammation of the female genital organs. A course of treatment – 10-15 procedures a day.

Wounds, fractures, postoperative complications


  • Use 15% propolisnuû ointment (1,5:10), cooked in vegetable (Peach, Apricot, Sunflower etc.) oil or any fat basis. This ointment stimulates the regeneration of tissue in the wound, dressing sticks, treatment time is reduced.
  • Mix 1 Part 10% propolis and alcohol solution 1 part of castor oil until smooth. Used for the treatment of superficial wounds after surgery, about fistula, hemorrhoids.
  • Dissolve 30-40 drops 20% alcohol solution of propolis in 50 ml of water, tea or milk and take 3 times a day before meals. Children, depending on age – 1 drop on year of the child. Propolis solution applied from the first day, After the operation to 7-10 days to prevent postoperative inflammatory and purulent complications.

Useful tablets from 0,03 g a Mummy and 0,03 pure extract of propolis in fractures. Take 2 pills per day before meals for 2-3 weeks.

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