Rules for the use of fir oil inside for the treatment of colds, gastrointestinal diseases, Cardiovascular

For many years, fir essential oil has been famous for its rich composition and healing properties., contributed to the treatment of various diseases. It was not only used externally, but also taken internally.
Even in ancient times, the people treated them with ailments not only in adults, but also in children, and healers and healers used it as the main ingredient in their potions and syrups. It was also considered, that fir oil can cure diseases of any severity and restores the patient's immunity. Besides, it is very beneficial for the body, as it strengthens it and saturates it with useful vitamins and microelements.
Essential oil of fir contributes to the treatment of many diseases
Medicinal properties of fir oil
The main properties include anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and antiviral effect of fir oil, therefore it is used in viral and bacterial respiratory diseases, with pneumonia, bronchitis and tracheitis. It is not only used by ingestion and rubbing the skin during colds, but also used as an antiseptic, and therefore sprayed with aromatic lamps, to destroy germs and viruses in the room and throughout the home.
Many are interested, in what doses to use this oil in its pure form and in general is it possible. It is undesirable to drink fir oil in undiluted form., because its aromatic properties are too pronounced and this can spoil your well-being. Most often it is used as an external medical and cosmetic product., but often used internally, since it does not bring side effects, does not harm the body and does not cause allergic reactions.
Getting into the gastrointestinal tract essential oil of fir, does not decompose in the stomach and intestines, and immediately enters the bloodstream and saturates it with useful microelements. Therefore, not only ointments and rubbing are most often made from it., but also balms, potions and various medicinal products for internal use. Fir can also be used to prepare tinctures, recommended to drink several times a week.
Fir oil can be sprayed with an aroma lamp, to destroy viruses and bacteria indoors
The use of fir oil inside
Treatment of colds with fir oil
Along with external use, fir essential oil is also taken orally, since it can be drunk as part of medicinal balms, potions and tinctures. However, it does not differ in any features of ingestion., and combined with many drugs and, usually, does not cause side effects.
More often diluted fir oil is recommended to drink with bronchitis, pneumonia, angina, colds and respiratory diseases, Flu, runny nose, the gymors, as well as viral infections.
So, with angina, inflamed tonsils are lubricated with a few drops of fir oil, which not only disinfects (kills germs), but also saturates with useful microelements, which help to resist the virus and promote recovery. This procedure must be repeated every 4-5 hours, to not only speed up recovery, but also to achieve the desired result in terms of overall strengthening of the body. You can add a few drops of fir oil to warm boiled water and rinse your throat thoroughly., which will relieve inflammation and remove purulent inclusions. Instead of water, it is recommended to use chamomile infusions., rosehip or mint, which will have a beneficial effect on the body.
With sinusitis and runny nose, you can drip a few drops of fir essential oil into the nose, which relieves colds and inflammation, frees the nose from excess secretions and clears the maxillary sinuses. It is necessary to wash the nose with a solution of fir oil several times a day., to completely get rid of the common cold.
With sinusitis and runny nose, you can drip a few drops of fir essential oil into the nose.
Fir oil is considered the most effective in diseases of the bronchi and lungs.. However, it can be used as an external, and internal means.
For bronchitis or pneumonia, it is recommended to take a balm or mixture based on fir oil., or make infusions from medicinal herbs with the addition of fir essential oil. The composition of such infusions may include such herbs, like a chamomile, Ginseng, briar, mint, coltsfoot, lavender, as they are easily combined with the product.
With bronchitis and pneumonia, inhalations are most often recommended., during which it is necessary to deeply inhale the vapors and exhale through the nose, which will help to saturate the inflamed areas of the bronchi and lungs with healing substances. You can instill fir essential oil on the root of the tongue or add a few drops to tea or juice, which will help destroy microbes. To improve the result, you can rub fir oil into the skin of the back and chest..
But with the flu, it is most often recommended to drink herbal teas with the addition of a few drops of this remedy from fir, but regularly instill the nose and rinse the throat with infusions of spruce oil.
Treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and heart with fir oil
In diseases such as cholecystitis, colitis, enterocolitis will help the use of fir water: take 100 ml of water, add to it 5-6 drops of essential oil and mix thoroughly. Drink remedy 3 once a day (take at least half an hour before meals).
Treat high blood pressure with essential oils: drip 3 drops of funds on a sugar cube and take 2 twice a day for 30 days. If through 2 days after the start of treatment, the pulse rate will increase by 10 and more beats per minute, necessary to reduce the dose of. Elderly people are advised to repeat the course of treatment every 3-4 of the month, and young – through 7 months.
Contraindications of fir oil
Although fir contains many useful trace elements and vitamins, and also cures many diseases and has a beneficial effect on the human body, care should be taken when ingesting this drug. First of all, the use of fir oil is contraindicated for people with allergies to coniferous preparations and their components and simply their intolerance.. In this case, the use of fir essential oil is out of the question., as it will not only cause allergies, but will also lead to undesirable consequences for the body.
Experts note, that alcohol should not be consumed along with the treatment of fir remedies, because it will not only not bring the desired result, but it can also cause complications..
Before starting to use fir oil inside, it is advisable to consult a specialist doctor.
It is necessary to take into account not only the features of ingestion, but also the timing and method of storing fir oil. To keep all healing properties, it is recommended to keep it in a securely closed container, and also in a dark place, so that the rays of the sun do not fall on it. In this case, fir essential oil will retain all its useful properties and trace elements and will not be decomposed..