Magna aspartate, potassium aspartate

When ATH:

Pharmacological action

The source of potassium and magnesium. Prevents or eliminates hypokalemia. It improves metabolism in the myocardium. Improves tolerance of cardiac glycosides. It has antiarrhythmic activity. Aspartate tolerate potassium and magnesium ions and promote their entry into the intracellular space. In the cells, aspartate is included in the metabolic processes. Magnesium ion plays an important role in maintaining the homeostasis of calcium and potassium, It possesses properties of a calcium channel blocker, It is involved in many enzymatic reactions, metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates.


Clinical data on the pharmacokinetics of potassium and magnesium aspartate restricted.

After ingestion well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Report the news.


Kaliopenia. As an adjuvant therapy for angina, myocardial infarction, Heart Failure, cardiac arrhythmias (incl. arrhythmia, caused by an overdose of cardiac glycosides).

Dosage regimen

For oral single dose of 500 mg.

In / bolus or slow / drip administered 1-2 times / day, Dose set individually.

Side effect

From the digestive system: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach ache, flatulence, dry mouth.

Cardio-vascular system: conduction disturbances infarction; in rare cases, the / in the introduction – paradoxical reaction in the form of increasing the number of extrasystoles, decrease in blood pressure.

Other: muscular weakness, feeling tired; at / in the introduction – phlebitis, vein thrombosis.


Acute and chronic renal failure, hyperkalemia, gipermagniemiya, degidratatsiya, metabolic acidosis, AV блокада, myasthenia gravis; Hypersensitivity to potassium and magnesium aspartate, sorbitol and fructose.

Pregnancy and lactation

Can be used during pregnancy and lactation, and for the testimony with caution (especially in the I trimester).


Together with potassium aspartate and magnesium may be administered if necessary or digitalis preparations strofantin.

With the rapid on / in a possible hyperkalemia and gipermagniemiya.

As a part of the polarizing mixture (in combination with dextrose and insulin) normalizes the rhythm of cardiac activity in myocardial infarction, ectopic arrhythmia and cardiac glycosides overdose.

Drug Interactions

While the use of antiarrhythmics amplified negative Dromo- and bathmotropic action antiarrhythmics.

With simultaneous use of beta-blockers, cyclosporine, ACE inhibitors, NSAIDs, potassium-sparing diuretics, table salt substitutes, containing potassium, increase the risk of hyperkalemia.

While the use of binders and enveloping means reduced absorption from the gastrointestinal tract; with means for anesthesia – may increase deprimiruyuschie effects on the central nervous system; with atracurium besylate, suksametonija xloridom – may increase neuromuscular blockade.

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