
When ATH:


The active ingredient podofillina, released from rhizomes with roots podophyllum peltatum (Podophyllum peltatum L.) families barbarisovыh (Berberidaceae). Soluble alcohol, partially soluble in water.

Pharmacological action.
Antitumor, cautery, Necrotizing (local).


External genital genital warts (local treatment).


Hypersensitivity, pregnancy, lactation, childhood (to 12 years).

Pregnancy and breast-feeding.

Category actions result in FDA - C. (The study of reproduction in animals has revealed adverse effects on the fetus, and adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women have not held, However, the potential benefits, associated with drugs in pregnant, may justify its use, in spite of the possible risk.)

Side effects.

Local reactions — redness, pain, itch, burning, ulceration of the epithelium warts, edema and a balanoposthitis (for large warts in the preputial area); systemic effects: nausea, dizziness, ulceration of the mucous membranes.


Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, fever, diarrhea, mielosuprescia, ulceration of the oral mucosa.

Treatment: when ingested in excessive quantities in the skin is immediately wash the area with SOAP and water; in the event of accidental ingestion is a gastric lavage. Symptomatic therapy, dynamic monitoring with the definition of the cells of peripheral blood, transaminase levels, bilirubin, the contents of electrolytes and blood gas.

Dosing and Administration.

Locally. It is applied as closely as possible directly to the warts each with a special plastic applicator, 2 once a day (in the morning and in the evening) during 3 days, Further break 4 day. Treatment continued until the disappearance of warts, the total duration of treatment should not exceed 5 Sun.


Avoid contact with eyes (If this happened — eyes rinse immediately with plenty of water) and healthy skin. Before applique for protecting the skin and mucous around the warts is recommended to treat the skin neutral creams, vaseline or zinc ointment. For applications, you should use a plastic applicator and ensure, to loop hole is completely filled with liquid. After the application is necessary to give a dry place applying the solution. Particular caution should be observed in the localization of warts in the area of ​​the foreskin.

With the development of edema and a balanoposthitis apply glucocorticoids (as an ointment).

To reduce the risk of systemic effects of the treatment surface area in an amount not to exceed 10 cm2, and the number of used solution — 0,5 ml per day. In the absence of a clear effect in 4 weeks of therapy should be reconsidered treatment. In case of doubt in the diagnosis (incl. if it is impossible to exclude squamous cell carcinoma of clinical data) histologic confirmation is required prior to treatment.

It is advisable to survey and, in case of need, treatment of sexual partners.

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