Horseshoe kidney – treatment of disease. Symptoms and prevention of diseases of the Horseshoe kidney

Horseshoe kidney – What is this disease? Horseshoe kidney is the congenital anomaly, consisting of fractured lower or upper poles both kidneys among themselves with the formation of the isthmus.

In most cases, u-shaped kidney develops various pathological processes-pyelonephritis, nephrolithiasis, gidronefroz, as well as the associated arterial hypertension and chronic renal failure.

Horseshoe kidney – The cause of the

Forming u-shaped buds is a consequence of disjembriogeneza. Fetal kidney development passes through three successive stages: predpochka (pronephros), the primary bud (mesonephros) and secondary bud. In parallel with development of secondary buds paired organ is migrated into the realm of future lodge in the lumbar region. The final formation and fixation of the kidney ends after birth.

Horseshoe kidney is formed by abuses of migration and rotation of the kidney, due to illness of the mother, infections, effects on the fetus harmful chemical or medicinal substances. In most cases the true causes of forming u-shaped buds, it is not possible to judge.

Horseshoe kidney – Symptoms

In connection with the specific topography, innervation and blood supply of the Horseshoe kidney can be accompanied by a characteristic pain symptoms: pain in the belly button area, occurs when peregibe or prosthetic torso, lower back, at the bottom of the abdomen, in epigastria after physical exertion. Impaction of the isthmus kidney nerve plexus root bryzhejki may cause constipation, spasticskie pain in the gut, violation of intestinal peristalsis. Amid ongoing fighting syndrome can develop emotional instability, neurasthenia, vapors.

Horseshoe kidney – Diagnostics

Plan diagnostic examination for suspected Horseshoe kidney includes ULTRASOUND, USDG, excretory urography or retrograde pyelography, Renal Arteriography, scintigraphy, computed tomography.

Horseshoe kidney – Actions of the patient

If the presence of u-shaped kidney patient had no problem-treatment is not required in this case, shows only regular monitoring by a doctor.

Horseshoe kidney – Treatment

In the absence of clinical manifestations of u-shaped kidney treatment not required. Such patients are subject to monitoring urologist (nephrologist) to prevent the development of secondary complications. In pyelonephritis, oslozhnjajushhem for u-shaped buds, is assigned a corresponding course pathogenetic treatment.

In the case of pain symptoms, gidronefroticheskoj transformation, stone formation, Kidney tumors shows a differentiated surgical tactics.

Pain and violations of the urodynamics, due to the pressure of the isthmus, is dissection and breeding tips buds with detent in the new situation. When one of the u-shaped halves lesions and loss of its functions is geminefrjektomija.

In identifying the u-shaped kidney stones using a variety of methods to remove them, including remote lithotripsy, perkutannuju nefrolitotripsiju, pielolitotomiju, nefrolitotomiju.

Horseshoe kidney – Complications

Described the disease can provoke the development of related diseases.

Horseshoe kidney – Prevention

Horseshoe kidney is the congenital malformation, about the true reasons for its formation is difficult to judge, Therefore, preventive measures of the disease does not exist.

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