Why those, who quickly lost, gaining weight again

For many people, battling with her obese, model become players show “Balanced and happy”. Already 13 years, exists in the world of reality-show, in which full of people compete, who resets the weight. The American show is broadcast in 90 countries, removed in 25 States. Winners receive awesome cash prize and a slender figure in the bargain. But most of them returned home and old overweight returns to him. Why? Personal experience is divided party show.

From size XS L

When Anne Miranda, participant of the amerkanskogo reality show “Lose more than anyone” (Biggest Loser) selects a new outfit for yourself in the shop, It always reminds myself, that no longer need to search for size L (44-46). We now have Miranda size XS. She said, that still sees himself “complete woman”, despite, that dropped nearly 34 kg 3 year ago! It's hard to get used to its new shape, accepted participant in American show.

We now have Miranda size XS. She said, that still sees himself “complete woman”.
“For the first time since the end of participation in the program every morning reminded my Christmas: I wore clothes, She sat perfectly on me or even had a little big on me,” remembers Ann Miranda, it's about time, When severely dropped weight. “I don't want to go back to those days, When was very complete ".

57-summer of Miranda arrived from his native town of Folsom, New Jersey, United States, to listen, as Dr. Armando Gonzalez talks about how, How does the drastic weight loss on the human body.

Cheating viewers or the harsh truth slimming

Gonzalez is consulting under the name Dr. Mondo. Just a few weeks after the launch of the new study on the reality show "Lose more than anyone else" on American tv channel NBC Armando said, that many participants, lose weight during the program, recovered again after returning home! An article in the American newspaper the New York Times, study results published, aroused strong reaction among viewers of the show.

Similar facts and flickered in the Ukrainian press. For Example, the winner of the first season of the show “Balanced and happy” Nikolac Voroshnov dropped 85 kg, but a year later gained excess weight. However, now he, Judging by the photos on social networks, again thin and taut, fighting in the zone of ATO. Party show Michael Repeh, at the time the competition was 18 years, dropped 63 kg. But at home, he quickly gained the extra.
Gonzalez conducted its own study on reality show “Lose more than anyone” While writing his thesis in 2009 year. He interviewed the participants show repeatedly. During the interviews the doctor found, that about 50 percent of people were able to return home to retain weight is normal. In the same time, the other half of the respondents again were involved in the battle, titled "war on fullness".

Half of the participants of the show could return home to retain weight is normal. Others again engaged in battle, titled "war on fullness".
In the new study, Dr. Gonzalez puts emphasis on physiological factors, that affect the drastic weight loss, slow metabolism (metabolism) and reduce leptin is a hormone, allowing us to feel satiety after meals. This expert also draws attention to the psychological problems of people, faced with the phenomenon of, as weight fluctuations (in English there is a special term weight cycling, mean racing weight).

While over the years the problem of personal records of a small number of people becomes a national disaster.

The American Medical Association report says, that in the States:

  • in 2006 year 34 percent of adults obese;
    in 2014 year is already 38 per cent faced a problem of obesity.
    When the United States has already ceded “Palm” by the number of overweight people Mexico, Oceania and Australia. There are regions, where two out of three people is obese.

“Sure, We all desperately tried to keep the weight on one level,” said Gonzalez. “Here everything has value: You must learn the basics of good nutrition, regularly train body, count calories. But in order, to keep the weight forever and keep the health, You must get to the root of your problem”, expert explains.

How to lose weight and stay healthy

Doctors during conversations on the topic, How to lose weight, often talk about self-discipline, and with little – on motivation. While someone could abandon harmful food, to achieve the ultimate goal of thinness, There are people, that can be inconsistent in their actions.

Gonzalez talks about personal experience a weight loss: How does he recover again and again, While in stress and suffering from loneliness. After several years of being able “ridiculously thick guy” He was determined to lose weight, but ... constantly struggled with weight fluctuations. He gained and dropped 35-45 kg 6 time for 10 years! And then I figured out, What is the psychological cause of his excess weight.

“The reason for my completeness is not only, that I love cheeseburgers”, the doctor said. “For a long time I have formed a kind of relationship with food. Lose weight I could only then, When realized, that gives me the fullness, than I am, choosing a meal. I also learned not to seize the stress and to please yourself not goodies, and other pleasures.

Weight loss is akin to divorce

Gonzalez offers has developed a program of "weight loss roadmap". Training course on weight loss is divided into 8 stages. Step by step the participants learn iskt' psychological roots of its completeness, the true motivation for weight loss. Indeed, the desire to please a loved one or show off can be met quickly, dropping weight, and then people will start it again to recruit, Once he had no long-term goals remain slim. Another thing – the desire to lose weight for the sake of health, to have a baby, engage in sports or hobbies, which hinders the fullness. But that's not all! The most important step – accept yourself thin. It would seem, and what to take, the same achievement, not a defect? If the man himself feels a date or “pyshechkoj”, He again starts to gain the missing pounds for this image. According to González, too often, coaches know, How to help clients lose weight, but not able to prepare them emotionally to, What happens next.

Weight loss should be regarded as a substantial change in life, something akin to a divorce or birth of the child within the family, said Gonzalez. He discovered during interviews with participants of the reality show "Lose more than anyone", that people, that dramatically in a short time, not aware of the psychological changes, Although the need to know about stress, which they are subjected. On them will begin more to draw the attention of strangers, familiar – flirt, If you have a regular partner, He nachinet treat differently. People just don't know, How to react to all of this, voltage amplified. And subconsciously, they want to return to your normal clear as, Therefore, begin to eat more and gain weight.

According to doctor, taken to congratulate pohudevshih people, and consider this point happy ending their efforts to fighting weight. Actually it's – only the beginning of a new life stage, life in the slender body will bring new challenges. And only if you handle them and adapt to physical ease and enhance the attractiveness of, the extra weight will never come back!

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