Pimafucin: instructions for using the medicine, structure, Contraindications

Active material: Natamycin
When ATH: G01AA02
CCF: The drug with the antifungal activity for topical application in gynecology
ICD-10 codes (testimony): B35.2, B35.3, B35.4, B37.2, B37.3, B37.4, B37.8, H62.2
When CSF: 08.01.03
Manufacturer: ASTELLAS PHARMA EUROPE B.V. (Netherlands)

Pimafucin: dosage form, composition and packaging

Pills, enteric coated white, round.

1 tab.
natamycin100 mg

Excipients: potato starch, polyvinylpyrrolidone, magnesium stearate, lactose, gelatin, acacia (gummiaraʙik), metilparaoksiʙenzoat, calcium carbonate, kaolin, talc, tsellyulozы acetate phthalate, triacetine, beeswax white, Titanium oxide, sucrose.

20 PC. – vials of dark glass (1) – packs cardboard.

Cream for external application 2% from white to light yellow in color.

1 g
natamycin20 mg

Excipients: Wax tsetilefirny, decyl (In цетиол), sodium lauryl, propylene glycol, propilparagidroksibenzoat, metilparagidroksiʙenzoat, cetostearyl alcohol, Purified water.

30 g – aluminum tuba (1) – packs cardboard.
30 g – Plastic tubes (1) – packs cardboard.

Vaginal Suppositories torpedo shape, from white to yellowish white to light yellow with brownish shade.

1 supp.
natamycin100 mg

Excipients: cetyl alcohol, fat solid, sorbitol, polysorbate 80, sodium carbonate hydrate, adipic acid.

3 PC. – strips of aluminum foil (1) – packs cardboard.
3 PC. – strips of aluminum foil (2) – packs cardboard.

Pimafucin: pharmachologic effect

The antifungal polyene (tetraene) macrolide antibiotics. It has a predominantly fungicidal action. Natamycin neobratimao ergosterol is associated with the cell membrane of the fungus cells, which leads to the violation of its territorial integrity and the loss of the contents of the cytoplasm and cell death.

By Natamycin sensitive most pathogenic yeasts and molds, including genera Candida, Aspergillus, Cephalosporium, Fusarium, Penicillium.

Less sensitive Natamycin to dermatophytes and Pseudoallescheria boyidi.

Natamycin cases resistance in clinical practice were observed.

Pimafucin: pharmacokinetics

If ingestion natamycin virtually not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.

When applied to intact skin and mucous membranes is almost not subjected to systemic absorption.

Pimafucin: testimony


  • treatment and prevention of non-invasive intestinal candidiasis (incl. after taking antibiotics, cytostatics, corticosteroids).

For the cream

  • fungal diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, caused by sensitive pathogens (incl. vaginitis, vulvity, vulvovaginitises, balanopostity, caused by fungi of the genus Candida; candidiasis of the skin and nails; otitis externa, or primarily caused by fungi, or complicated by candidiasis; ringworm).

For vaginal suppositories

  • vaginitis, vulvity, vulvovaginitises, caused by fungi of the genus Candida.

Pimafucin: dosing regimen

At intestinal candidiasis inside adult appoint 100 mg (1 tab.) 4 times / day for an average of 1 of the week. Babies appoint 100 mg (1 tab.) 2 times / day.

At dermatomykozah (incl. candidiasis of skin, diaper rash in children) cream applied to the affected skin surface, one or more (to 4) once a day.

At mycosis external auditory meatus skin surface smeared with cream once or several times a day. Before using the product is purified by ear. After the drug is placed in the ear canal swab from a natural material (Cotton, wool).

At vaginitis, vulvytah, vulvovaginitis appoint 1 pessaries for 3-6 days. Suppository inserted into the vagina in the supine position, as far as possible, 1 time / day at night. When persistent Amount pr car vaginitov, caused by Candida albicans, further designate drug inside (by 1 tab. 4 times / day for 10-20 days) for sanitation focus of Candida infection in the gut. For the treatment of vulvovaginal lesions genitals partner used Pimafucin® in the form of a cream.

At vulvitis, vulvovaginal, balanopostite cream is applied to the affected skin once or several times a day. When persistent Amount pr car vaginitov, caused by Candida albicans, additionally administered drug in tablet form for oral or vaginal suppository.

The duration of treatment is determined individually. After the disappearance of symptoms it is recommended to continue treatment for a few days.

Pimafucin: side effects

From the digestive system: nausea, diarrhea (occurring in the first days of the drug in tablet form and pass on their own in the course of treatment).

Local reactions: possible slight irritation, burning sensation (when applying cream, vaginal suppositories).

Pimafucin: Contraindications

  • Hypersensitivity to the drug.

Pimafucin: Pregnancy and lactation

Perhaps the use of pimafutsin® Pregnancy and lactation.

Data on adverse effects on the fetus missing.

Pimafucin: Special instructions

Vaginal suppositories under the influence of body temperature quickly dissolved, forming a frothy, that facilitates uniform distribution of the active substance.

In the case of chronic recurrent infections or topical treatment can be completed appointment tablets and cream.

Cetyl alcohol, which is part of the vaginal suppositories, may cause hypersensitivity reactions.

During menstruation suppositories interrupt therapy.

During use of suppositories is not necessary to exclude sex. However, it is recommended to conduct a survey of sexual partners in the case of candidiasis lesions spend treatment pimafutsin®. Also in the period of treatment should use a barrier method of contraception.

Use in Pediatrics

You can assign Pimafucin newborn.

Pimafucin: overdose

Currently, cases of drug overdose Pimafucin® not reported.

Pimafucin: drug interaction

Drug Interactions drug Pimafucin® not disclosed.

Pimafucin: terms of dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is released under the prescription.

Pimafucin: terms and conditions of storage

The drug should be stored out of reach of children at temperature from 15 ° to 25 ° C. Shelf life of suppositories – 2 year. Shelf life of pills and creams – 4 year.

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