Primula veris – Spring primroses

Perennial herbaceous plant 20-25 cm, families pervotsvetnыh (Primulaceae). The plant is widespread in the European part of Russia. Medical raw material are rhizomes, roots and leaves Primrose.

Первоцвет весенний - Primula veris

Primula veris – Chemical composition

The rhizomes and roots contain glycosides primrose (primulaverin, primverin et al.), saponins, essential oils and vitamins (ascorbic acid and carotene).

Primula veris – Pharmacological properties

Herbal medicines primrose has expectorant action, and enhance the secretory activity of several of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract and bronchi. Expectorant drugs due to the content in the roots primrose triterpene glycosides, by the action close to glycosides senega. Besides, Primrose increases the activity of ciliated epithelium and accelerates the evacuation of secretions from the respiratory tract; It has minor inflammatory properties. Infusions and tinctures primrose in experiments on animals have no significant toxic effect of the introduction into the.

Primula veris – Use in medicine

Preparations primrose appointed as an expectorant in catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, chronic tracheitis and bronchitis, when bronchopneumonia.

However, the experience of the roots of the plants in small pharmaceutical forms, Primrose usually prescribed in the various anti-inflammatory and expectorant fees for the treatment of respiratory diseases. Primrose is used in combination with camomile, Calendula officinalis, Angelica archangelica and anise. Through primrose saponins also gives some antitussive, diaphoretic and diuretic effect.

The presence of ascorbic acid in the plant and allows the use of vitamin A deficiency in the primrose of these vitamins.

Chronic administration of drugs plants side effects and contraindications have been identified.

Primula veris – Formulations, Dosing and Administration

Infusion of roots and rhizomes primrose: 10 g (1 tablespoon) raw material is placed in an enamel bowl, Pour 200 ml (1 glass) hot boiled water, capped and heated in boiling water (in a water bath) 30 m, cooled at room temperature for 30 m, filter. The remaining raw materials squeeze and add to the infusion, bringing it to the original volume (200 ml). Apply 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day before meals with chronic inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system.

Raw materials are stored in a cool dry place, The prepared infusion - in a cool place no more 2 d.

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