Fracture of the coccyx: what is this injury, symptoms, diagnostics, treatment, prevention

Description fracture of the coccyx
The coccyx is the lowest part of the spine. This is a small, triangular-shaped body, which consists of four fused vertebrae.
Causes of coccyx fracture
Causes of a tailbone fracture include:
- Falling on the buttocks – skating and other activities, which leads to a fall on the buttocks;
- Delivery – infants can break the coccyx, passing through the birth canal.
Risk factors for a fracture of the coccyx
Factors, increase the risk of fracture of the coccyx:
- Paul: female (wider pelvis exposes women to increased tailbone injury);
- Advanced age;
- Reduced muscle mass, which can lead to deterioration of the balance and increase the risk of falls;
- Osteoporosis;
- Poor diet, especially inadequate amounts of calcium and vitamin D;
- Some congenital bone disease;
- Specific activities, such as skating;
- Violence.
Symptoms of a fracture of the coccyx
Symptoms include:
- Pain, which increases in the sitting position, or rising from a chair;
- Pain, that increases during a bowel movement;
- Sensitivity in the coccyx.
Diagnosis of fracture of the coccyx
The doctor will ask about your symptoms, About, how the accident occurred, and will examine the injured area. Inspection may include a rectal exam. During a rectal examination the doctor will insert a lubricated gloved finger into the rectum and look for abnormalities. At the turn of the coccyx doctor may feel abnormal movement of the coccyx, and you will experience pain. Sometimes it can be assigned X-ray.
Treatment of fracture of the coccyx
The goal is, to reduce pain during bone healing. The doctor usually does not try to establish the coccyx bone to its original position, because the muscles in the coccygeal region are quite strong and can move the bones back. Location of the coccyx and the number of surrounding muscles make immobilization very difficult.
Soreness in the area of the fracture can be maintained for a long period of time, even after healing. You may be advised to stay in bed for a day or two. They can be assigned to steroid injections or surgery, if severe pain persists. Operation in painful coccyx fracture is very rarely performed. Usually pain gradually disappears.
Relieving pain with a broken tailbone
They can be assigned to medication, to ease the pain. To reduce discomfort during bowel movements:
- It is necessary to drink plenty of fluids and diet, rich in fruits, vegetables and cereals;
- Stool softeners may help decrease straining during bowel movements;
- Sitz bath can help relieve muscle spasms. It should be cleaning the anal area in warm tap water for 10-20 minutes.
After fracture of the coccyx can be very uncomfortable to sit. To ease the pain while sitting:
- Hop on a small pillow or a special lining;
- When sitting periodically carry weight from one buttock to the other;
- Do not sit on a very soft surface. Sitting in a soft chair sometimes increases the pressure on the tailbone;
- Lean forward, to remove the load from the tailbone.
Operation fracture of the coccyx
If pain continues and causes disability, It may be recommended koktsigektomiya. During this procedure, the doctor removes the coccyx. This procedure is rarely.
If you are diagnosed with a fracture of the coccyx, Follow your doctor's instructions.
Prevention of fracture of the coccyx
To prevent the destruction of the coccyx:
- Eat a diet, rich in calcium and vitamin D;
- Perform exercises to strengthen bones;
- Train your muscles, to prevent falling.