Pentaэritritila tetranitrate (When ATH A06AD14)

When ATH:


The white crystalline powder. Insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol. Explosive.

Pharmacological action.
Vasodilator, venodilatiruyuschee, vasodilatig, antianginalnoe.


Congestive heart failure (in the complex therapy), angina (prevention).


Hypersensitivity, severe hypotension, collapse, shock; acute myocardial infarction with hypotension; traumatic brain injury, zakrыtougolynaya glaucoma, cerebrovascular accident (especially hemorrhagic stroke).

Side effects.

From the nervous system and sensory organs: headache, dizziness, noise in ears, weakness, fatigue, anxiety.

Cardio-vascular system and blood (hematopoiesis, hemostasis): low blood pressure, orthostatic hypotension, tachycardia.

From the digestive tract: nausea, diarrhea.

Other: allergic reactions, increased sweating.


Propranolol increases antianginal, dihydroergotamine may reduce the antianginal effect.

Dosing and Administration.

Inside (for 1 hour before meals), sublingually, on 10-20 mg every 4-6 h. For the prevention of nocturnal angina attacks sometimes take 20 mg at bedtime. The course of treatment is usually 2-4 weeks, If necessary, repeated courses with breaks, the duration of which depends on the course of the disease.


In the course of treatment is necessary to eliminate the use of alcohol.

When long-term therapy may develop tolerance, reduced risk of addiction when taking 1 once a day in combination with other antianginal drugs.


Not used for the relief of angina attacks because of the slow development of the effect.

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