Bee venom in medicine

Peripheral nervous system diseases


  • According to a special scheme, A proposed. P. Yoryshom, to sting use the same parts of the body, and that the introduction of drugs by injection: the outer surface of the shoulders and hips.
    • On the first day of a bee sting produce, then for 10 day every other day for one bee added. The patient receives during this time 55 stings. Then make a break for 3-4 day, and again daily 3 stinging. During the second course of treatment (2,5 Months) the patient receives 180-200 stings.
    • Another possible application of this technique: stinging conduct 2 once a week for 45 days, then take a break for 1,5-2 months and repeat treatment.
    • If this does not occur after recovery or improvement in the patient's condition, bee venom therapy should be stopped.
  • Stung produced in the course of nerve damage, and for sciatica, breast and cervical, as well as spondylosis (the deposition of salts in the spine) – Besides, on both sides of the spine. The amount may not exceed the bees 8-12 for the procedure. The course consists of 50-180 stings. In some cases,, with good endurance bee stinging, to produce a therapeutic effect, a one-time use of the bees can reach 20-25 pcs.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system


  • Hypertension (first and second stage) Bees sit down in the collar zone no more 4 for the procedure 2 times a week (daily routines are not recommended).
  • When severe headaches – Additionally, the occipital region (at once 4-8 Bees).
  • Patients, general sclerosis sufferers, complicated by hypertension and chronic heart failure, at the end of the treatment improves the general condition, reduced to normal blood pressure, disappear or diminish headaches, and precordialgia.
  • In the treatment of cardiovascular disease plays an important role micro-climate of the apiary, its air, filled with sweet smells and flavors balms. No less importance is being treated complete distraction from life's affairs. The use of poison is combined with the reception of honey and royal jelly.
  • Angina bee hooked his left hand on his shoulder, to heart (more often in place of its projection on the back, at the same time 2-5 PC.). A course of treatment – 60-120 Bees.
  • When atherosclerotic vascular lesions bee planted along the vessels affected limb and lumbosacral region. The number of stings -8-12 for the procedure.
  • When thrombophlebitis stings produce over thrombosed veins, the number of stings should not exceed 8-12 for the procedure.



  • The course of treatment consists of 40 to 200 stings. Bees podsazhivayut to the area directly from the joints of patients 4 to 10 PC., but not more 4 uzhaleniy of 1 joint.
    • Each joint must be prepared separately for treatment, gradually increasing the number of bee stings and the residence time in the skin. Good results are obtained by the treatment of patients with gouty arthritis exchange origin. During treatment, arthritic joints soften, their volume after 1-2 weeks after the introduction of bee venom is markedly reduced.

Bronchial asthma


  • Bees podsazhivayut on a collar zone with increasing addition of one bee. Depending on the number of local reaction was adjusted to 4-8 at once, average per course of treatment is required 50-120 Bees. Use of bee stinging during the attack brings relief, and sometimes quickly eliminate it. In the treatment of blood pressure in the majority of cases of normal, spleen removed, shortness of breath decreases, asthma attacks become less frequent. The therapeutic effect in most patients kept a long time.
  • When, when patients have high leukocytosis and ESR, testifying, that occur in the lung nonspecific inflammation, recommend taking a 20% propolis tincture (by 20-30 drops 2-3 times a day after meals, water or milk).

Enuresis (bed-wetting)

  • Patients between the ages of 6 to 20 years prescribed complex treatment. Spend bee stinging in the lumbar points and along the meridians of the kidneys and bladder (stinging belly area is: 2,5 See below the navel and 2,5 cm from the midline of the abdomen to either side). A course of treatment is necessary 30-40 Bees. At the same time make an enema with 30% solution of honey and pollen for drinking 1 no. spoon daily. A course of treatment – 1 Months.



  • Doctors have since time immemorial been treated rheumatism bee stings. Treatment Technique is very simple. Put a bee in the affected area, Bee Jalil. Next podsazhivanie bees produce a day after the first at a distance 4-8 cm from the previous bite. Number of bees increases every day one, bringing the total number up to 5. After a 2-day rest produce stinging backwards from 5 to 1. If the patient still feels pain, course repeat.

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