Beeswax and propolis


Beeswax is the second most important beekeeping product after honey., It is produced by special glands wax, located on the underside of the abdomen working bees. Allocate wax only young bees between the ages of five and 16 days.

The various properties of wax have attracted people since ancient times.. Candles were made from wax, who were lit in temples in honor of the gods; busts, wax paints. In ancient Rome and Greece, it was widely used in sacrifices.. About 1700 years BC. e. in Egypt, the Ebers Papyrus mentions honey and wax as remedies. Since ancient times in India and Spain, honey and wax were included in the composition of medicines.. Famous Roman physician Galen (200-130 gg. BC) offered ointment, survived to this day under the name cold cream, the main element of which was wax.

It is initially in a liquid state., but becomes solid on contact with air. Natural beeswax – it is a solid mass of white or light yellow color, with a pleasant honey smell, tasteless. The color of the wax depends on the impurity in it of propolis resin and pollen..

Wax is a complex mixture of more than 300 various, including biologically active, matter; its action resembles vitamin A. The exact composition of the wax has not been established.. The physical properties of wax depend on the ratio of its components.. Melting temperature – 60-68 aboutFROM. Beeswax is insoluble in water and glycerin. The wax has preservative properties: Scythians, Persians and other peoples used wax for embalming. Due to its healing properties, wax plays an important role in medicine.. Plasters (sticky, mercury, melilot, soapy), ointment (wax, spermacetic, svincovaâ, zinc) prepared in pharmacies only with beeswax.

Ointments, containing wax, honey, essential and fatty oils and plant extracts, used to treat wounds and burns.

Doctors of Ancient Greece and Rome, folk medicine widely used honeycomb wax with honey for sinusitis, hay fever, diseases of the upper respiratory tract (angina, inflammation of the nasopharynx, etc.). A case of successful treatment of skin tuberculosis with beeswax and sour cream ointment is described in the literature.. Detected, that wax has antimicrobial properties against certain microorganisms: staphylococci, streptococci.

Beeswax is well absorbed into the skin and makes it smooth and tender. Therefore, it is included in nourishing and whitening creams.. The inclusion of beeswax in the composition of cosmetic ointments and masks is based on the content of significant amounts of vitamin A in the wax., necessary for the normal development of cells of the integumentary epithelium of the skin.

Wax cleanses the oral cavity, strengthens the gums, helps to quit smoking. Honeycombs – it is a valuable source of high quality commercial wax with biologically active properties. Honeycomb caps contain a large amount of antibiotic and preservatives. They are used to treat diseases of the oral cavity., pharyngitis, inflammation of the tonsils and upper respiratory tract.

Nonetheless, Until now, the therapeutic properties of beeswax have been little studied.


Propolis (bee glue) – one of the most interesting waste products of bees, resulting from their processing of the secretions of blossoming tree buds, mostly birch, poplar, Alder, Willow, chestnut. Worker bees bite off the resinous part of the buds and bring it in the pollen together with the pollen to the hive, where it is passed on to the so-called "propolis bees". The latter knead the mass, add wax, mixed with pollen and salivary secretions. Bees polish honeycomb with propolis, in which the brood is reared, walled up pests that have made their way into the hive and killed, reduce the tap hole, fill the cracks in the hive. But the main purpose of propolis – protection of bees from bacterial damage by microorganisms, viral and fungal origin.

Propolis was well known to the priests of Ancient Egypt, which several millennia BC. used it for treatment and mummification. The ancient Incas used it for embalming. Ancient Greek philosopher and scientist Aristotle recommended propolis for the treatment of wounds. First described the medicinal properties of honey, wax and propolis in the 1st century. BC. Greek physician Dioscorides, considered the pioneer of the use of beekeeping products in medicine.

Outside the beehive propolis – it is tight elastic, wax-like mass (in the summer it is easy to warm up with your fingers) dark green, grayish or blackish green. The smell of propolis is pleasant, reminiscent of the scent of fresh resinous leafy greenery, honey, fragrant herbs, needles, poplar. When burned, the smell of incense appears. After a while, propolis becomes denser, loses its smell and becomes darker, sometimes black, coloration. It tastes slightly pungent., specific – bitter, reminiscent of the taste of tree buds. Propolis is poorly soluble in water, sinks easily, soluble in alcohol and acetic acid.

Propolis contains more 50 matter. They are grouped into four groups: resin, balms, essential oils, wax. Propolis contains many vitamins in small amounts. The composition of mineral substances is also diverse.

It is recommended to store propolis in a dark, cool room. Proper storage of propolis until 10 years does not reduce the content of its active compounds.

The general biological activity of propolis still cannot be associated with any particular substance or group of related substances.. Most likely, it is due to the action of the entire complex of chemical compounds, available in propolis.

Propolis is bactericidal, virucidal, antifungal, pain relievers, anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties.

Anesthetic (pain reliever) the strength of 0.25% alcohol solution of propolis is superior to the effect of cocaine in 3,5 times, and novocaine – in 5,2 times, the therapeutic purpose of propolis in its pure form is used externally and in inhalation, and as the main component is part of many ointments for external use.

Contraindications: various neoplasms, hypersensitivity to propolis, sometimes diseases of internal organs (liver and biliary tract diseases, pancreatitis, kidney stone disease) – there is no final data on the effect of certain propolis preparations on their activity.

Allergic reactions to propolis develop in 1-6% persons with a simultaneous allergy to bee venom and other beekeeping products. Although propolis is considered a non-toxic drug, you need to beware of using it in large doses and take into account contraindications in order to avoid more formidable complications – choking and anaphylactic shock.

Attention: only a doctor can determine the advisability of using propolis for certain diseases, the most optimal dose and method of use.

Manufacturing of dosage forms from propolis

Propolis ointment

Shredded, dewaxed, propolis (10, 15,20, 50 g) pour a small amount of alcohol (only for softening) on 12 no. Vaseline is melted in a clean enamel bowl (90, 85, 80, 50 g), bring to a boil, then removed from heat and cooled to 50-60 aboutFROM. The right amount of softened propolis is added to the chilled petroleum jelly. The mixture is heated again to 70-80 aboutWith continuous stirring 8-10 m. The resulting mixture is filtered hot through 1-2 a layer of gauze. Cool with constant stirring. The cooled ointment is suitable for use. It retains its properties for many years.. Store the received 10-, 15-, 20-or 50% propolis ointment in a tight-fitting container in a dark, dry and cool place. Sometimes, to improve the penetration of the ointment into the skin, equal amounts of petroleum jelly and lanolin are taken.

Propolis oil

Intended for oral administration. Prepared like ointments (10 or 20 d propolis on 90 or 80 g unsalted butter).

Alcohol tincture of propolis

K 20 g of crushed propolis is added 80 ml of 96% alcohol. Insist 5- 7 days in a sealed container, shake up periodically, and then filtered through paper. Is taken orally in drops, when diluted with water, it is used for lotions and compresses.

Alcohol tincture and instant propolis ointment

For urgent preparation of the tincture, crushed propolis is mixed with alcohol (1:10), placed in a water bath and heated to 40 aboutFROM (not higher). Then, for several hours, the bottle with the mixture is shaken from time to time.. The solid fraction of propolis remaining after filtration, despite the effect of alcohol, it still has antimicrobial properties. Therefore, it is recommended to mix it immediately with the same amount of boric or pure petroleum jelly. (heated to a liquid state). Ointment, thus obtained, has a positive effect in the treatment of rhinitis (rhinitis) and various skin lesions (cuts, ssadin, cracks), external hemorrhoids.

In a similar way, you can get 5-, 10-, 30%-ny alcoholic tincture.

Propolis water solution

Poured into a flask 100 ml of distilled water and placed in it 10 g crushed propolis, boiled in a water bath, shaking the flask frequently, 1 no, then filtered through cheesecloth. Prepare each time before use.

Propolis milk

Bring fresh whole milk to a boil in an enamel bowl, dip crushed propolis into it at the rate 50-100 d of 1 l of milk (5- 10%). Continue to heat milk with propolis (to 78-80 ° C) during 10 m, stirring with a wooden spoon, then chill, filter through cheesecloth into a wooden dish. Propolis milk has a brown hue and a bitter taste.. Remove the wax layer formed when the milk cools down.

Propolis alcohol extract

Pour 30 g crushed propolis 100 ml of 96% alcohol, insist 5 days in tightly closed dark glassware, shake it daily 10-15 m, store in a dark place. Filter the solution through cheesecloth. The residue was weighed, thus determine the amount of dissolved propolis and its concentration in an alcohol solution. The solution is active for a long time. To prepare a weaker solution, the alcoholic extract is diluted with distilled water or alcohol to the desired concentration (usually 2 or 4%).

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