
When ATH:


Anxiolytic benzodiazepine.

White or white with a slightly yellowish white, crystalline powder;. Practically insoluble in water, slightly soluble ethanol, xloroforme, ether, soluble in dimethylformamide.

Pharmacological action.
Anxiolytic, sedation, snotvornoe.


Neuroses, psihopatii, and psihopatopodobnyh state, accompanied by fear, anxiously, increased irritability, sleep disorders and others.; senesto-hypochondriacal disorders and obsession (especially in poor tolerance of other anxiolytics); vegetative disorders in women, associated with menopause, premenstrual syndrome; reactive depression (in a combination therapy with antidepressants), alcohol withdrawal syndrome (in a combination therapy).


Hypersensitivity, psychoses, severe myasthenia gravis, acute renal and / or hepatic insufficiency, pregnancy (especially I trimester), lactation, Age to 6 years.

Restrictions apply.

The tendency to abuse of psychotropic drugs.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding.

Contraindicated in pregnancy (especially in the I trimester). At the time of treatment should stop breastfeeding.

Side effects.

From the nervous system and sensory organs: drowsiness (usually in the first days of treatment), slackness, dizziness, fatigue, headache, memory impairment, muscular weakness, ataxia, tremor, slurred speech, paradoxical reaction in the mentally ill, incl. psychomotor agitation, anxiety.

Other: dry mouth, nausea, dyspepsia, leukopenia, abnormal liver function (including jaundice), allergic reactions, fainting, changes in libido.

There may be addictive, drug dependence, withdrawal (cm. Precautions).


It enhances the effect of funds, CNS depressants, incl. hypnotics, anticonvulsants, alcohol, etc..


Symptoms: CNS depression of varying severity (from drowsiness to coma) -drowsiness, confusion, lethargy; In more severe cases, (particularly in patients receiving other drugs, CNS depressants, or alcohol) -ataxia, gipotenziya, hypnotic state, coma.

Treatment: induction of vomiting, gastric lavage, simptomaticheskaya therapy, monitoring vital functions. When expressed hypotension is a norepinephrine. Specific antidote-BZ antagonist Flumazenil receptors (introduction only in the hospital). Hemodialysis maloeffyektivyen.

Dosing and Administration.

Inside (regardless of the meal). The dose and duration of treatment are chosen strictly individually, depending on the evidence and the therapeutic effect. Начальная разовая доза для взрослых — 5–10 мг, при амбулаторном лечении средняя суточная доза 30–50 мг, в стационаре максимальная доза — 120 mg / day. The average duration of the course is 2-4 weeks.

The dose for children 6-12 years has not been established.


The caution used in predisposition to hypotension, especially in elderly patients (in connection with the possibility of cardiac abnormalities), increased risk of drug dependence.

It should not be used with MAO inhibitors, phenothiazine derivatives. The likelihood of symptoms of overdose increases while receiving funds, CNS depressants, or alcohol. During treatment excludes alcohol intake.

Do not use for a long time (because of the risk of drug dependence). If necessary, long-term care (several months) the course should be done by the method of intermittent therapy, ceasing reception for a few days followed by the same dose of individually selected. Abolition should be gradual. With a sharp lifting of oxazepam may cause withdrawal symptoms (tremor, convulsions, abdominal or muscle spasms, vomiting, evaporated), most commonly appear after high doses or long-term care.

Prolonged treatment is necessary to monitor liver function and pattern of peripheral blood.

Do not apply to drivers of vehicles and people, skills relate to the high concentration of attention.


It is recommended for the treatment of anxiety, voltage, ažitacii, irritability debilitated patients, elderly people, as well as patients with residual effects of traumatic or infectious lesions of the central nervous system.

It should be taken into account, that anxiety or stress, associated with daily stress, usually does not require treatment with anxiolytics.

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