Acute leukemia mehakaryoblastnыy
It refers to the rarely occurring forms of acute leukemia.
Cytological picture of acute leukemia megacaryoblastic
Diagnosis is based on morphological features. It is characterized by the presence of in the blood and bone marrow in addition to non-differentiable cells imperious megakaryoblasts: elements with blast, but rough and hyperchromatic nucleus, narrow rim of cytoplasm, It has often due to the peculiar processes of uneven contours.
To identify megakaryoblasts method can be used to study their electron microscope using cytochemical staining for myeloperoxidase, where the enzyme found a specific location. Nature megakaryoblastic cells can also be set using antisera antiplastinochnyh, identify cell-specific markers of this series.
The blood and bone marrow in this form of leukemia frequently ugly megakaryocytes, nuclear fragments of megakaryocytes and platelet aggregation. Platelets in the blood, usually, higher than normal, reaches 1.0-1.5 T 1 l and more.
The clinical picture of acute leukemia megacaryoblastic
The clinical picture of acute leukemia megacaryoblastic largely devoid of specific features. In the terminal stages of the disease are observed suppression of the normal germs myelopoiesis or sarcomatous growth and other signs.
In a number of cases of acute leukemia may have megacaryoblastic clinical and hematological picture of acute leukemia maloprotsentnogo, and histology of the bone marrow - a picture myelofibrosis. This form of leukemia is characterized by low megacaryoblastic percentage of blast cells in the bone marrow and blood, polymorphonuclear cell composition of the bone marrow, often expressed megakariotsitozom marrow and diffuse myelofibrosis, sometimes osteomielosklerozom.
Myelofibrosis, usually, It does not allow for all diseases of bone marrow to obtain. Cytological and cytochemical analysis of blast cells, onto the blood, they mostly are not revealed specific signs belonging to any germ hematopoiesis. In such cases, the study of blast cells by electron microscope they can be detected myeloperoxidase, localized type, specific for platelets, that can be attributed to acute leukemia this megacaryoblastic.