Acute leukemia maloprotsentnыy

This form of leukemia, entitled "tleyuschyy leukemia " It described in 1971 g. Later it became known as "maloprotsentnym", "oligoblastnym". This name is first attributed to acute leukemia, usually, myeloblastic nature, occurs in people over the age of 60-70 years, flowing with low (less than 10-20 %) blastosis in the bone marrow of the same low (often slightly higher, than in bone marrow) content of blast cells in blood, in most cases with the persistent normochromic anemia without reticulocytosis or pancytopenia and prolonged (1-3 Years) the preservation of these changes without progression without treatment. Later maloprotsentnym acute leukemia began to call any acute leukemia with a low, regardless of treatment, and slowly increasing blastosis in blood and bone marrow, even if one is met at a young age.

By FAB-classification, Acute leukemia maloprotsentnыy, apparently, It is among processes, in Group myelopoietic dysplasia (refractory anemia with blastosis), although the authors of the term sought to treat her condition, It is not yet, they believed, acute leukemia, only they are able to transform. Meanwhile Acute leukemia maloprotsentnыy, with no matter how small and seemingly blastosis long it may proceeded, without demanding cytostatic therapy, it is a form of acute leukemia. At the same time the progression of this form of acute leukemia provides a process of gradually developing a total blastosis, poorly responsive to cytostatic therapy, aimed at overcoming cytopenia. Rare remission, usually, are short-lived.

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