Acute and chronic liver failure

Syndrome of acute hepatic failure — breach of numerous vital functions of the authority under the influence of toxic substances (venom poisoning) or infections. The disease develops over a few hours or days immediately following the commencement of the pathological factor. Toxic substances destroy the cells of the liver hepatocytes and liver — ceases to neutralize toxins, which enter the body or are produced by pathogens. The most toxic to the liver become contaminated by waste products of intestinal bacteria, especially ammonia, phenols, who is normal neutralized liver, and other substances. If the activity of the liver almost stops completely, develops a heavy body samootravlenie, that leads to hepatic coma — the patient loses consciousness or is in a State of prostration, There is incessant vomiting (vomited dark mass with smelly, sweet smell of sulphur), mucous membranes pale or yellow.

When liver failure disrupted salt metabolism, the body begins to suffer from the lack of vital substances-glucose, potassium and sodium, vitamins, and t. d.

Acute liver failure can occur suddenly, If the cause is a poisoning or acute infection. More commonly seen chronic liver disease, accompanied by a variety of symptoms. Under the influence of adverse factors in the liver, functions which have already violated, may develop acute failure. And vice versa, sick, who suffered acute liver failure, lifetime will suffer chronic liver diseases. This is especially important in the diet.

Diagnosis of hepatic failure

For diagnosis of acute malnutrition have used biochemical blood analysis. Must be, However, Remember, that change of chemical composition of blood sometimes can only be found in repeated analyses. When acute liver significantly increases serum contents of aminotransferase (ALT IS), alkaline phosphatase, total bilirubin. Rentgenografičeski liver size was not changed (Unlike chronic diseases, in which mark visible size increase or decrease of the liver).

Treatment of acute liver failure

Treatment of acute liver failure aim at sustaining the life of the body before the onset of liver regeneration (liver cells are able to recover within 10 days, If you corrected the cause of the disease). Upon detection of symptoms of acute liver disease should consult a doctor immediately and never try to cure yourself.

With the improvement in the prescribed decoctions of herbs (helichrysum, corn mouth, tutsan, Daisy), dietary food (on the recovery diet is the same, as for chronic diseases).

Chronic liver failure

Unlike acute, chronic liver failure increases in weeks and months, and often complicated by jaundice. Jaundice occurs as a result of the breach of the formulation and utilization of bile in the liver and the emergence of the bile pigments (bilirubin) in blood. There are following kinds of jaundice: mechanical (cause is obstruction of the bile ducts), hemolytic (occurs because enhanced destruction of red blood cells) and parenhimatoznuû (due to abnormalities in the liver cells of the bile pigments are not neutralized in the blood). Normally, excess bile pigments are excreted with urine and feces, some of them will be neutralised by the liver. A prolonged disruption of the liver leads to intoxication of the organism and the disease drugah organs, primarily the kidneys. There is not enough blood is cleaned from components of bile, that leads to their accumulation in the blood, internal organs, skin. Because excessive bile pigments – poison for the body, their accumulation in the blood is dangerous to human life. Želtušnost′ mucous membranes is not always (eg, infective hepatitis or not tumors), but only if there is a violation of the outflow of bile.

For chronic liver diseases is impaired blood circulation, that is evident swelling of extremities and abdominal edema (ascites). Disturbed and protein metabolism, develops exhaustion and deteriorating blood coagulation (Sometimes a note point bleeding of the mucous membranes is haemorrhaging).

Symptoms of chronic liver failure

Symptoms of chronic liver failure are varied and not always visible. Milder disorders may be accompanied by compensatory (recovery) processes in the liver. At the beginning of diseases on the development of the failure of the liver showed digestive disorders: anorexia, vomiting and diarrhea yellow. These symptoms are especially evident after fatty food (roasted meat or fish, eggs, sausage, butter). Sometimes digestive disorders noted increased body temperature (fever). Often marked by skin lesions (dry and leg Eczema). If chronic disease is a long time, When x-ray study noted an increase in liver. For chronic liver diseases sometimes observe symptoms of nervous disorders (the so-called gepatičeskaâ encephalopathy): oppression, weakness and drowsiness, the patient becomes irritable and aggressive. When the biochemical study of blood serum (in Dynamics) Note the gradual increase of the values of some indicators (bilirubin, aminotransferase ALT and AST), sometimes creatinine (with the defeat of kidneys). In the urine also noted the increased level of bilirubin and urobilin (urine, containing bile pigments, has yellowish-brown, sometimes with a greenish tinge, color).

Without appropriate treatment of chronic liver disease can develop hepatic coma.

Diagnosis of chronic liver failure

The final diagnosis is difficult to establish without biochemical blood tests, because it is important to determine the cause and extent of liver damage. The most important indicators are AST, GOLD, bromsul′faleinovaâ, sample etc, shtelochnaya phosphatase, bilirubin and ammonia. You should also determine, What is the reason caused jaundice. So, obstructive jaundice, due to clogging of biliary tract (eg, tumor, or stones) does not go away for medical treatment, Unlike other types of jaundice.

Treatment of liver failure

Diet is an essential element in the treatment of patients with diseases of the liver and biliary tract. Special meal order is assigned, to support the needs of the body and create favorable conditions for the regeneration of liver cells and formal functions of the authority. The diet should be easily digested and tasty, because the patient is impaired appetite. Dietary ration differs from conventional modified protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals (fat limit is only for patients with impaired outflow of bile).

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