Features stool in children
The study of feces in infants and older children has important diagnostic value, as it allows to assess the state of their health.
Meconium (pervorodnыy mud) It appears after 8-10 hours after birth of a child. Total it is 70-90 g. This thick, Adhesive, viscous mass of dark green color. The first portion of meconium is composed of mucus, It is acidic (pH 6,0).
At Microscopic examination mekonija against the background of mucus found layers of flat horny epithelial cells, эpytelyotsytы intestines, fat droplets, as well as a large number of crystals of bilirubin, cholesterol. Number of bilirubin ranging from 12 to 14 mmol l.
The first portion of sterile meconium. Later it developed enterococci, E. coli, less streptococci and spore-forming bacteria. After two or three days after the birth of a child to an ordinary mixed meconium stools. Such a transition is called a mixed cal. On the fourth or fifth day is allocated purely cal.
In the first month of life in breastfed daily amount of feces 15 g, then its mass is increased to 40-50 grams per day (3- 5 g feces per kilogram of body weight of the child). Frequency of defecation - two to four times a day. The smell of feces slightly acidic, color golden yellow, orange or yellow-green, It depends on the presence of bilirubin. In the air cal turns green in the transition bilirubin biliverdin. In the fourth month of life through breastfeeding appears restoring flora and feces along with bilirubin observed in a small number sterkobilinogena and stercobilin. In children older than 6 months bilirubin gradually replaced stercobilin.
Microscopic examination of the stool child, breastfed, find detritus, epithelial, drops of neutral fat, Crystals of fatty acids and cholesterol, calcium salt. This period is characterized by the child's feces saccharolytic abundant flora, which are dominated by Bacterium bifidum, rarer Bacterium acidophilum and enterococci. When artificial feeding bacterial flora, obnaruzhivaemaя in Calais, variable and diverse.
In healthy children, breastfed, Cal can have a greenish color.
If bottle-fed infant Cal had the color can vary from light- or pale yellow to yellow-brown, Air does not turn green, It has a slightly putrid smell and a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction (alkalinity depends on the decay of casein). The frequency of bowel movements less, than a child, breastfed; possible tendency to constipation. Bakterialynaya diverse flora. Microscopically detected in a small amount of neutral fat, fatty acid crystals, soap, slime, mixed with feces. Water content 85 %.
Kal older child not significantly different from the feces of an adult.