Tumors of the connective tissue
In most of the connective tissue fibroblasts, which have a spindle shape. The nuclei of rod-shaped or oval, They contain one or two or more nucleoli. The cytoplasm is faintly, basophilic, outstretched on the poles of the cell, containing vacuoles and fine granules.
Fibroblasts can divide by mitosis and amitosis. With the maturation of fibroblasts transformed into fibrocytes. The core of most of rod-shaped, with a compact arrangement of chromatin, hyperchromic, without nucleoli. The cytoplasm is faintly, basophilic, often located only poles of the cell, leaving the side surfaces of the bare nucleus.
Under pathological conditions, fibroblasts involved in wound healing, the development of scar tissue, connective capsule formation around a foreign body, etc.. d.
Fiʙroma - A benign tumor, growing from connective tissue of any organ. Built according to the type of mature fibrous connective tissue, It develops slowly.
The punctate tumors predominate mature fibroblasts - cells with hyperchromatic elongated rod-core and stretched on poles of the cell cytoplasm, painted in pale blue tones. In preparation, they are located in small clusters and fabric scraps.
Fiʙrosarkoma - Frequent malignant tumor of the soft tissue. Develop at any age, but mostly 30-40. Women suffer more often than men. Localized in different parts of the body, usually in the groin or in the belt of the upper limbs. Located deep in the muscle fibrosarcoma, evolving from the intermuscular connective tissue layers.
The punctate tumors detected sharply elongated fibroblast-like cells.
Depending on the degree of malignancy of cells distinguish differentiated and low-grade fibrosarcoma. The latter is characterized by the presence of large cores of various shapes (round, oval, rhabdoid, gripping and others.) with irregular contours. Chromatin intensely colored, its fine-grained structure. The nucleus contains nucleoli 1-5 hypertrophic. Cytoplasm sometimes fine-grained, often vacuolated- tion, basophilic. There are cells in mitosis and amitosis, as well as the bare nucleus.
When fibrosarcoma in cytological preparations can be detected areas myxomatosis. In the case of the predominance of these areas is necessary to differentiate tumor from fibromiksosarkomoy.