Formal methods of treating hemorrhoids

As with most diseases, local treatment alone gives a small and, main, temporary improvement. System approach makes it possible to achieve this result really.

They, who say: «Hemorrhoids operation only "is not right. The same misguided and approvers, that operation done "always uspeetsja". The truth, as always, -in the Middle. By the way, even surgery with haemorrhoids are different, surgical treatment for a long time already not limit "cutting out" nodes using a scalpel.

Local treatment of hemorrhoids

Decrease of pain syndrome is achieved using conventional modern analgesics tempalgina type, tramala, pentalgina and t. g need only take into account, that constant use of almost all these medications affect the liver and blood composition. In addition to Tog pain relief is not cure hemorrhoids. Analgesics are recommended to use mainly in acute hemorrhoids.

In acute condition to reduce the phenomena of thrombosis apply Venobene, Gel'pan or Gepatrombin. It should be remembered, that they increase bleeding and should be used with caution with a propensity to the bleeding patient.

Anti-inflammatory drugs in the active phase of inflammation: Aurobin, Proktosedil, Ul'traprokt, Pasterizan-Forte, after reducing inflammation apply Dibunol. They reduce swelling, and, Consequently, and pain.

Ul'traprokt is a complex drug for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of anus, contains fluokortolon, cinkoin and klemizol. Available in candlelight and in the form of ointments. Candles are assigned once a day after defecation, ointment applied 2-3 times a day. Duration of treatment is not more than 4 weeks.

Ointment aurobin contains kapropat prednisolone, lidokain, panthenol and triclosan. Thus, This is a very active, gormonosoderzhashhij drug with potent anti-inflammatory action due to prednisone, with pain (at the expense of lidocaine), zazhivljajushhej (panthenol) and antimicrobial (triclosan) activity.

General treatment of hemorrhoids

On the first place in the treatment of hemorrhoids stands adjustable Chair. Below we cite drugs, able to unclutter the veins of the rectum, improve vascular tone, and circulation.

For the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency applied: Venoruton, Troxevasin, Glivenol, Detralex, Cyclo 3 Fort. These same medications are used in cases of, When combined with hemorrhoids varicose veins in the legs.

Preventing thrombosis funds for domestic use also increases tone veins and reduce congestion in the veins, reduce blood pressure, have anti-inflammatory and analgetic effect:

  • Troxevasin (Venoruton) assigned inside while eating capsules within 2 weeks 2 once a day, then 1 capsule per day, the course of treatment 3-4 weeks;
  • Tribenozid (glivenol, tribenol) available in capsules or; typically assigned by 1 capsule 2-3 times a day, treatment to 6 weeks;
  • Reparil available in tablets, assigned by 1 Tablet 2-3 times a day after meals;

Aescusan -standardized aqueous alcohol extract, assigned inside of 10-20 drops 3 times a day before meals. Analogue jeskuzana — esflazid assigned by 1 Tablet 1-2 times a day.

Without exacerbation treatment quite efficiently. The basic methods of treatment at health resorts is a common mineral baths, rising douche, mud treatment (rectal mud tampons and mud at the crotch).

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