New methods of treating cancer 2017 – How to cure cancer

Maybe, scientists are close to the point, When about half of fatal cancers will be curable. About flagmanah "cancer revolution is in our review.

Oncology today

Ahead of all the types of cancer treatment approaches, as immunnoterapija (restoration of antitumor immunity vaccines or protein antibodies) and targeted therapy (impact on the target cell, not affecting healthy tissue).
Interesting experiments with light, Nanomaterials and technologies of genetic engineering.
Besides, the success of modern Oncology is largely the success of diagnostics and prevention, as well as treatment becomes more personal, there is a direct connection between breakthroughs in therapy and personalized medicine in general.

Spot treatments for cancer

IN 21 century international fame received the first preparations of acupressure on the immune system (ipilimumab, rituximab, pembrolizumab).

Company MSD (creator of pembrolizumaba) registered drug from the class of inhibitors of PD-1/PD-L1. This specific antibody (the so-called "monoclonal antibody"), it inhibits programmed cell death protein, that hides from the immune system metastasis.

Pembrolizumab is unique in, that eliminates running or recurrent tumors, neoperabel'nuju melanoma or lung cancer. Expected, that he comes to patients by mid- 2017 year.
The end 2016 the year brought the patriotic Oncology another great event. Scientists of RAS synthesized new compound sulfur, hydrocarbons and nitrogen. It will help there, where is powerless to chemotherapy (for example, ovarian Carcinoma). The method of synthesis allows you to quickly receive anticancer drugs at low cost: the creators have brought several dozen drugs immediately.

Other, International, success is a complete mastering of viruses. Even to the beginning of the year in the United States approved the first antineoplastic herpes virus-based. Since the drug is firmly settled on the market, and top ranking medical innovation for versions of Popular Science.

Finally, American scientists carried out a "hormonal": prostate cancer cure the first injection of testosterone. In the blood of volunteers fell heavily "prostate specific antibodies» (by the way, effective tumor marker). One patient even got rid of this Antigen is thus, fully recovered from cancer just three months.
Despite the results of the, the method has not yet passed a number of clinical trials and remains a "pilot": however, for patients it means rather indirect problems (eg, with the paperwork), but no direct threat or illegality of treatment.

Robots and bacteria as advanced experimental cancer treatments

Promising directions — work with nanoparticles, that deliver medicine inside a cancer cell.

Another option is to pinpoint enter nanorobots, equally suitable for condition monitoring, and for drug delivery, and even for direct attack on the tumor and its metastasis.
This past summer at MSU to substantiate the therapeutic value of Silicon nanoparticles. The reason was their property quickly decompose, not accumulating superfluous goods inside the body: This makes them excellent in terms of medical transportation.

In another famous University, Stanford, investigated the nanoparticles of iron: they formed a substance ferumoksitol also charges the immune system to combat cancer.
Meanwhile, scientists from Canada turned the small bacteria in high-precision nanokiborgov.

Not less actively develops therapy anaerobic bacteria: they easily destroyed the central part of the tumor and perfectly complemented by chemotherapy.
It is worth more to say about the prospects for emitters in national science. So, Institute of Oncology to use • Stereotactic and radiation therapy. Bet on electron Accelerator, brings radiation to sub-millimeter precision. This treatment is particularly recommended for patients with lung cancer or various glands.

Diagnosis and prevention: Cancer against cancer

Today Science drew against cancer-diagnosis of these crustaceans (namely, cancers-Bogomolov): If to be more precise, their unique eyes. At the University of Illinois are developing highly sensitive polarizer camera, similar to the optic apparatus of these arthropods. Since cancer cells specifically reflect polarized light, This camera is easy to catch them at a very early stage. Testing on mice have already passed, research on humans is just around the corner.

Interest and other newcomers from Sea World: jellyfish, night glow which brought researchers the Nobel Prize. On the basis of the jellyfish protein, scientists have developed a green fluorescent biomarkers, and now have created an up-to-date laser poljaritonnyj. Markers are effective everywhere, where blind x-ray, and the method itself is associated not only with the revolution in Oncology, but with the future of quantum physics.

Besides, special status for the modern diagnosis of lung cancer. Now the best way to detect it preventively — Imaging groups active smokers with long experience. And here a fresh study showed: the risk of death from lung cancer almost twice dropping taking ibuprofen. This is an argument in favor of statistics relevant for the prevention.

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