Neuropathy — what is this disease, the cause of the? Description, symptoms and prevention of the disease neuropathy

human memory

Neuropathy in psychiatry (neuropathy; Greek neuron nerve + pathos suffering, disease; synonyms: constitutional nervousness, endogenous nervousness, neuropathic constitution) - innate pathological condition with a much higher total, particularly autonomic, irritability and nervous and mental exhaustion.

Neuropathy - Causes

The etiology and pathogenesis is not fully understood. In some cases, the leading role in the occurrence of neuropathy belongs to hereditary factors. Have the meaning as organic brain damage in utero, eg, in toxicosis, infections, intoxications pregnant, and perinatal pathology (intracranial birth trauma, birth asphyxia, immunological conflicts). Cases of neuropathy hereditary constitutional origin refers to the true neuropathy, and exogenously-organic origin - to organic neuropathy. Consolidation of mental disorders also contribute to education deficiencies.

symptoms of neuropathy

Symptomatology is most pronounced in the age of 3 years and is characterized by an increased sensitivity of the child to any external stimuli, general restlessness, frequent crying, rhythm disturbances and sleep depth, a variety of digestive disorders, as well as loss of appetite, sustained chewing, labored transition to solid food. It is often found increased susceptibility to allergic reactions, acute respiratory disease; It notes a number of mental disorders - timidity, fear of everything new, propensity to fear.

At preschool age, increased vegetative excitability several wanes, become more visible mental disorders: in some, children observed increased affective excitability and irritability, coupled with exhaustion, others - expressed inhibitability in unfamiliar surroundings, puhlyvost, propensity to fear, increased susceptibility.

At school age to the fore starting to act autonomic-vascular disorders: easily occur discoloration of the skin, headache, dizziness, may be fainting.

Neuropathy - Diagnosis

The diagnosis is based on clinical, pictures and history data. For the differentiation of treatment and rehabilitation is set to true and the delimitation of organic neuropathy. Unlike the true organic neuropathy symptoms of neuropathy can be detected in a newborn; noted the slow rate of mental development, manifestation of psycho-organic syndrome, availability of Neurological.

Neuropathy - Types of diseases

According to the results of domestic and foreign authors of the study are three of the following clinical and etiological type of neuropathy syndromes:

  • true syndrome (genetically determined) neuropathies
  • organic neuropathy syndrome
  • neuropathy mixed genesis syndrome

Neuropathy - Actions patient

Parents should be able to recognize the early signs of neuropsychiatric disorders, timely consult a doctor and follow its recommendations.

neuropathy Treatment

Assign bracing, sedatives, light sleeping, tranquilizers in combination with physiotherapy, it is also necessary pedagogical influence. When organic Neuropathy is also advisable to conduct absorbable, dehydration therapy, nootropov reception (Nootropil).

Neuropathy - Oslozhneniya

Weather favorable for life.

Prevention neuropathy

Prevention includes measures to ensure the normal course of pregnancy and childbirth, It is also important for a general health measures (gymnastics, walks, adherence); proper upbringing of the child without excessive care.

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