Nespetsificheskiy yazvennыy colitis – symptoms, treatment, diet – How to cure ulcerative colitis

Nespetsificheskiy yazvennыy colitis – chronic illness, which is based on the inflammatory process in the colon with severe destructive changes of the mucous membrane.

Risk factors for ulcerative colitis

Risk factors: genetic features, genetic predisposition, Sensitization to different types of allergens, trauma.

The manifestations of ulcerative colitis

The clinical features of ulcerative colitis. The disease begins gradually with the appearance of blood in the stool. Sometimes there is a lightning start to the rapid development of intoxication and diarrhea muco-bloody nature. In less severe disease observed a small amount of blood in the stool as separate clots or strokes. Multiplicity of bowel movements during the day does not exceed 4. Often, after meals and before the act of defecation appear cramping abdominal pain, caused by a spasm of an inflamed colon.

When to moderate colitis frequency of bowel movements more than 5-6 times. As a result of significant blood loss anemia with decreased hemoglobin level. There is a decrease in appetite, weight loss.

In severe colitis in all patients with liquid stool, stool frequency 8-10 times or more per day. The amount of blood in the stool significant. The act of defecation is accompanied by intense cramping pain in the abdomen. Appetite decreased sharply, the majority of patients there is an increase in body temperature of subfebrile to high numbers. Has been a dramatic loss of body weight, significant reduction in hemoglobin, increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

In severe colitis possible complications: bleeding, bowel perforation with peritonitis.

Diagnosis of ulcerative colitis

Diagnosis based on clinical features, typical complaints of patients, studies of peripheral blood, fecal bacteria overgrowth. From instrumental methods of examination used sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, which allows to determine swelling of the intestinal wall, diffuse bleeding mucosa, superficial erosions and ulcers; morphological study of biopsies from the edges of the ulcer to determine the inflammatory process, more accurate diagnosis. With irrigoskopicheskogo study can set the prevalence of inflammation of the colon departments.

Treatment of ulcerative colitis

Treatment. In the period of acute illness is necessary to ensure patient bed rest and mental peace. Appointed diet with a decrease of carbohydrates, but increasing protein (at the expense of low-fat meats, fish). Food mashed, served in the form of heat, multiplicity meal at least 5-6 times per day (table number 4).

Due to the possibility of secondary mental disturbances on the background of the disease patients received psychotherapy.

The basis medication, used in this pathological process, is a group of drugs salazosulfapirina (sulfasalazine). The correction of violations dysbiotic, appointed probiotics, enzymes necessary for, vitamins. In severe process is shown hormone replacement therapy (corticosteroids). With the development of iron deficiency anemia prescribers. The ineffectiveness of conservative therapy and complications is an indication for surgical treatment.

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