Sodium Fluoride (When ATH A12CD01)

When ATH:


Colourless crystals or a white crystalline powder, insoluble in 25 parts water.

Pharmacological action.
Filling shortage of fluorine, protivokarioznoe, inhibits bone resorption.


Osteoporosis: primary (postmenopausal, presenile, senile, idiopathic), steroidal (Prevention and treatment); Local Osteopathy, prevention of dental caries in children and adults, при содержании в питьевой воде фторидов ниже 0,6 mg / ml.


For systemic use: expressed by the human kidney or liver, aggravation of gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer, pregnancy, lactation, Children up to age 6 Months, 3 years, 6 or 14 years (depending upon the dosage form and administration).

Side effects.

When administered systemically: dyspepsia, pain in the lower extremities and joints, fatigue, weakness, headache, osteosclerosis, ectopic calcification (particularly in combination with vitamin D or A), gipotireoz, idiosyncrasy, allergic reactions (skin rash and others.).


Calcium ions, magnesium and aluminum slow induction (forming a sparingly soluble compound). Antacids reduce the effectiveness (рекомендуется применять их за 2 ч до приема натрия фторида). Vitamins A and D contribute to the ectopic calcification.


Symptoms: lacrimation, hyperptyalism, nausea, anorexia, bloody diarrhea and vomiting, stomach ache, lower limbs and joints, pupillary constriction, blurred vision, weakness, myasthenia, tremor, convulsions, hyperthermia, increased heart rate, gipotenziya; possible death (respiratory failure and respiratory arrest). При длительном поступлении — гипотиреоз, а в период формирования зубов — флюороз (violation of the process of formation and calcification of enamel, turn yellow, brown and dull spots, freaked, embrittlement and abrasion of teeth).

Treatment: immediate introduction of excessive amounts of liquid and calcium (solution of calcium gluconate or lactate, milk) deposition of fluoride, induction of vomiting, Installation of gastric lavage or acidified water 1% solution of calcium chloride, appointment of laxatives (30 г натрия сульфата), in / with the introduction of electrolytes (20 мл 10–20% раствора глюконата кальция), vitamin preparations, simptomaticheskaya therapy, monitoring the level of calcium in the blood; possible hemodialysis.

Dosing and Administration.

При остеопорозе внутрь по 0,015–0,02 г 3–4 раза в сутки ежедневно, protractedly (1-4 Years) постоянно или курсами — 3 months of treatment, 2-3 Month break. For the prevention of GIO 1 Table. per day. For the prevention of dental caries throughout the period of tooth formation: Children from 2 to 6 лет внутрь длительными курсами таблетки по 0,0011 g, senior 6 years - 0,0022 g 1 once a day; senior 16 лет — полоскание рта 0,05–0,2% раствором после еды и чистки зубов.


Intermittent treatment is recommended when a arthralgias against a background of continuing therapy with. The use in children under 6 years requires special monitoring. In patients with diseases of the blood during therapy is recommended regular blood tests. During regular use is necessary to conduct an annual x-rays to assess the effectiveness of therapy and resolving the issue of continued treatment, as well as for early detection of dental fluorosis. When choosing the dose should consider the contents of fluoride in drinking water. To achieve adequate bone mineralization should further ensure intake of calcium (1–1,5 г в сутки) and Mg.


Increased alkaline phosphatase indicates the development effects.

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