Traditional methods of treatment of hemorrhoids
Why it is considered, that the traditional methods of treatment of hemorrhoids - a field for experimentation. Meanwhile, Many recipes may well bring relief, but we must use them, given the extent of the disease. For Example, acute hemorrhoids can win cold tubs seating. Chronic forms of the disease, especially in times of periodic exacerbations, can be treated and other folk remedies.
Using folk remedies, Do not forget about the need to just change your lifestyle, diet, to beat their disease.
Infusions of herbs
- This tool has been known to humans since time immemorial. The way of its application is incredibly simple. Flowers plants Scepter, or mullein, brewed in a teapot and drink as tea.
- Nettles has always been famous for analgesic qualities. If you feel severe pain, but you have hemorrhoids without cones, You can use this tool. One part of nettle leaves, mix one part of a bark krushiny. A tablespoon of this mixture pour the 1 L of boiling water. Boil over 10 minutes on low heat. Try this mixture 30 minutes, wrapped pan in a Terry towel, then carefully strain. Drink this infusion of 1 glass 4 once a day. The pain soon subsides.
- Persicaria maculosa ancient times used as a painkiller and styptic. If you want to stop the bleeding and soothe the pain, Prepare the following solution: 2 teaspoon dry grass to dissolve 0,5 l of water. Boil 15 minutes on low heat, nastaivayte, wrapped in a towel, 2 time and strain. Drink half a cup of this solution 3-4 times a day, it is desirable for 30 minutes before a meal.
- Yarrow is very helpful in dealing with hemorrhoids in initial stage and bleeding. Pour 15 Mr. Yarrow with flowers cup of boiling water, nastaivayte, ukutav, 1 time and strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals. Works well yarrow tincture with vodka or alcohol - at 30 drops 3 once a day.
- A tablespoon of yarrow brew 0,5 L of boiling water and let it brew. Such a medicine you can use without dosage, ridding themselves of the need to constantly monitor the reception. Since it is not very pleasant to the taste, You can add honey. The more you use your treatment infusions of yarrow, the more the result will achieve.
- Ash juice works better, than any laxative, so the treatment of hemorrhoids it is indispensable. To achieve the desired effect, Drink the juice of ripe rowan berries 3 times a day 2 glasses with sugar, with a glass of water. From taking the juice revealed an indoor hemorrhoids relief comes. Do not forget after the procedure to take vitamins or at least eat a grenade or beets.
- Cut a raw potato candle and gently insert it into the anus. If there are any discomfort (burning or itching), You can dip a candle in honey. This will alleviate pain and allow you to continue treatment. A candle can be made of crystallized honey, but it will lose its shape.
- Treatment of the following method, According to our ancestors, characterized, that its use gives extremely fast results. First you need to boil 7 l of water. Then dissolve this in boiling water 450 g alum. To achieve the greatest effect, pan is best to close the wooden cover. In the center of the lid should be roughly around the hole 5 cm diameter. Over this hole it is necessary to heat the steam anus until, until steam comes out. After such a procedure should be sure to lubricate the anus (inside and outside) Vaseline and be sure to take a laxative. Warming up should be done no more than once a week. Two or three heatings enough for full recovery.
- In a clay pot, half full of milk, put 4 large onions. Cover the pot tightly closed, soar in an oven on low heat. Warms the anus so, as described in the previous recipe. You can repeat sessions through 3 day. Three or four heatings is enough. For six hours before the procedure should take a laxative, and just before the session, and especially after his anus greased with Vaseline.
- Aspen leaves lay on hemorrhoids and leave for two hours. Then give the patient rest and, depending on the time of hemorrhoids, health and age of the patient, again imposed the fresh leaves of aspen, watch closely, How is treated. If something bothers, leaves removed and gently washed the place with cold water. After a day or two can be re impose the leaves of the bumps. With a decrease in the size of the cones should be less and less use of aspen leaves, gradually moving to a washing.
- There is an opinion, that any ordinary hemorrhoids can be cured with cold water, if you take a sitz bath in the morning and evening (from 1 to 5 minutes). Well into the water to throw a few grains of potassium permanganate, that the water was pale pink. Here, of course, There is some truth. But it should be noted, it will take a very long time, to cure hemorrhoids in a manner. It is necessary to make the 300 to 1000 cleaning the cold and take sitting baths for 2-4 months. Moreover, any, even the most effective way to bring even greater results, if combined with other prevention methods.
- The use of cold water for hemorrhoids is very good relieves the patient during exacerbation, because the water reduces swelling in the area of the separated units. If the sites are not dropped, it stimulates the walls of veins, excess blood and partly out. But remember: men frequent sitz baths can cause problems with the prostate gland (prostatitis), women - with appendages (adnexitis). Therefore, divide the two methods. For prevention - washing away with cold water, to sharpen - half bath.
- Hemorrhoids, accompanied by inflammation of the nodes, useful microclysters with a solution of tea tree oil (0,5%-First solution): 1 drop medications on a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Two tablespoons of the resulting solution to enter into the rectum an enema using a small and lie 20 minutes, placing a pillow under the sacrum.
- Brew grass yarrow: 1 tablespoon at 0,5 cup water, bring to boiling. Insist in a thermos 1 time. Strain. Ostuda. Fill the rubber fingertip brim (available in pharmacies). Tie a thread hole so, to form the fingertip has been extended, length about 5 cm, in diameter and it would be consistent with your middle finger. Put it in the freezer refrigerator. When infusion freeze, carefully remove the fingertip and greased with Vaseline or vegetable oil homemade ice candle gently enter into the anus to a depth of 4-5 cm. Such a procedure, performed 2 times a day for 2-3 days, will significantly alleviate the condition. Make as many procedures, as required, lost to pain and inflammation.
- In the evening, apply a "cold candle”, in the morning - in the form of a solution of calendula lotion (natural cloth soak infusion: 20 drops pharmacy alcohol tinctures, diluted in 1/4 cup water).
- Inside are infusion: peel krushinы, yarrow, liquorice root, coriander seeds (by 30 each g). Tablespoon collection brew a cup of boiling water, as tea. Take 1 a glass at night for 2-3 weeks.
- The following month, herbal decoction prepared differently: 4 teaspoons powdered bark Viburnum pour a glass of plain water. Boil for 30 minutes in a water bath, drain hot, pour boiling water to the original volume. Ingest 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals (14 days).