Rusty Foxglove – Digitalis ferruginea L.
Perennial herbaceous plant of 100-120 cm, families norichnikovыh (Scrophulariaceae). Rusty foxglove grows in the Caucasus. For medical purposes use the leaves one- perennial plant.
The chemical composition of rusty foxglove
According to the content of chemicals this kind of plants are close to digitalis purple. The digitalis rusty contains cardiac glycosides - digilanidy A and B, a- и b-ацетилдигитоксин, gitozid other, as well as the steroidal glycoside - tigonin.
The pharmacological properties of rusty foxglove
By the nature of the pharmacological action of digitalis rusty not very different from purple foxglove.
According to experimental data and clinical observations, digitalis preparations rusty and purple, have a similar effect on the cardiovascular system. Under their influence is amplified systole, lengthening diastole, increases the amplitude of heart contractions, It slows the heart rhythm, change the function of automatism, conduction and excitability. Rusty Foxglove has several more pronounced cumulative properties, than foxglove purple.
From the leaves of the foxglove rusty obtained novogalenovyh drug Digalen neo.
Application rusty foxglove in medicine
The nature of heart Digalen neo similar to the purple foxglove preparations. The therapeutic effect of deceleration of heart rate and heart rate reducing deficits manifested at 2-3-day treatment. By the end of 1-2 weeks of reduced or completely disappear shortness of breath, cyanosis, swelling, increased diuresis.
Apply Digalen neo chronic forms of circulatory failure I, II and stage III and tahiaritmicheskoy atrial fibrillation. Besides, the drug can be administered orally and in mild forms of cardiac decompensation. Stronger action Digalen neo provides when administered parenterally, However, for the treatment of acute heart failure it should not be used. Before the drug administration can occur dyspepsia (nausea, vomiting). For rectal administration appears fairly quickly irritation of the rectum.
Contraindications. Bradycardia, violation of atrioventricular conduction, arrythmia drug origin (especially bigeminy).
Formulations, Dosage and administration of drugs rusty foxglove
Digalen-neo (Digalen-neo)Railway & solution amount digitalis glycosides rusty, purified of ballast substances. Transparent, slightly yellowish liquid bitter taste, neutral.
The drug is administered orally 15-20 drops 2-3 times a day, in microclyster on 20 drops 2 once a day, under the skin of 0.5-1 ml 1-2 times a day. The highest single dose when administered subcutaneously 1 ml, daily 3 ml; when administered a single dose of 20 drops, daily 60 drops.